Flashback: CBS's "60 Minutes" covered up the TRUE story of Hunty biden's laptop
Now that the election is over, Democrats and the Mainstream Media want you to forget about all the lies and coverups the Mainstream Media rammed down our throats to help the Democrats win.
It's exactly the same as after 2020: Three weeks before the election the NY Post ran a front-page story that one of Hunty biden's numerous laptops had broken, and that he'd taken it to a repair shop near the family home in Delaware. He apparently forgot about it, and numerous voicemails by the owner of the repair shop saying the laptop was ready weren't returned. So after 90 days the shop owner took possession, as per normal terms of repair services.
On that laptop the owner found tens of thousands of utterly incriminating emails between Hunty and daddy, along with thousands of X-rated pics of Hunty doing cocaine with hookers. The pics were of no concern, since Hunty wasn't a government official, but the owner was horrified that the emails seemed clearly to show that when Joe was VP under Obozo, Hunty had been collecting huge bribes for his dad from China, from the wife of a mayor of Moscow, and from a Ukrainian energy company
So in November of 2019--a full YEAR before the election--the shop owner--a life-long Democrat--called the FBI and told 'em what he'd found. If the emails were authentic, the evidence on the laptop should have resulted in prison for biden. And even if, after seeing the emails. a corrupt jury refused to convict, the son of a bitch should never have been elected president in 2020!
But according to the owner of the repair shop the FBI seemed totally unconcerned. "Uh, sure, dude. We'll send someone over real soon." But no agents came. Finally a month later--after the Fibbies had time to confirm that Hunty had in fact left a laptop at that repair shop, two Fibbies showed up.
The Fibbies took notes, seized the laptop and the original of the "repair ticket" signed by Hunty, and left.
The owner was relieved: He'd done the right thing, trying to expose the utter corruption of the biden family. And he waited for the Fibbies to announce the bombshell news.
And waited. And waited.
Silly deplorable! SOoo naive, thinking the nation's "top law-enforcement agency" would actually try to uphold "the law"! What delusion! The entire "justice system" has two goals: prosecute Republicans and coverup Democrat crimes.
But the Deep State didn't count on one small detail: the shop owner had made copies of the hard drive of Hunty's laptop.
Ooohhh. So after seven months passed without a single word of the utterly damning emails on the laptop, the shop owner sent copies to...people. One copy ended up at the NY Post. Most editors of Mainstream Media outlets--liberal Democrats--would have ignored the story, but the courageous editor of that paper actually investigated.
"The NERVE of some people," eh? "How dare she investigate evidence that the former VP--and more important, the Democrat party's candidate for president in 2020--had been taking bribes!"
So three weeks before the 2020 election the Post published the story on its front-page.
Immediately the biden campaign ordered the rest of the Democrat-fellating Mainstream Media into damage-control mode. The first line of defense was that "We don't know if the alleged laptop actually exists, but if it does, it's Russian disinformation." A campaign official (later appointed biden's Secretary of State) contacted a friend in the CIA and got the friend to draft a letter--signed by "51 current and former U.S. intel agents"--saying it was disinformation. None of the signers had ever examined the laptop.
The FBI refused to comment on the story's claim that it had seized the laptop in December of 2019--11 months before the story broke--nor would it say if it had possession. Cuz if they'd admitted either fact it would have blown the biden campaign out of the water-- because the first thing an honest, competent FBI would have done after seizing the thing would have been to determine if the tens of thousands of emails on its drive were authentic.
This would have taken maybe two weeks. So had the Fibbies determined whether the emails were authentic? As far as I've been able to find, no reporter ever asked. The Mainstream Media didn't wanna know--because they already knew. The FBI's failure to investigate proved the agency was utterly corrupt, and the Media didn't want to show that to voters.
Of course *months* after biden and the Dems stole the election, the flagship papers of the Lying Mainstream Media--which had assiduously refused to ask any pointed questions before the election--finally admitted that the laptop story was true, and that the emails were authentic. But of course it was far too late.
So the next move by the now-White House team was to claim that none of the emails showed that Joe had any knowledge of "his son's business." Joe himself denied ever speaking with Hunty about whatever business Hunty was in. And of course all the pics of Hunty doing drugs with hookers and weighing drugs on a scale were waved away because he wasn't in the government. Hey, free country, right? No evidence of corruption at all, citizen.
All of which brings us to..."60 Minutes" and spokesliar Leslie Stahl's notorious line "This is '60 Minutes' and we can't put things on the air that we can't verify."
And viewers nodded sagely. "How totally reasonable," they gushed. "It would be irresponsible to broadcast a story this...um...damaging...if we can't verify it." And even more viewers (voters) nodded in unison.
Classic propaganda technique: Make a totally uncontroversial statement that has some bearing on the issue but avoids raising other questions. Makes readers/viewers think the matter is disposed of, closed, but no one ever asks "Did you investigate at ALL? Did you even ask the Fibbies if they indeed seized the laptop around the end of 2019?" No questions at all.
SO...did CBS ever apologize for not investigating, and indeed for tacitly participating in the coverup by deliberately NOT asking the FBI direct questions? Of course not.
They want you to forget about the whole thing, or at least if you remember anything, it's that CBS (along with the rest of the utterly corrupt Mainstream Media) did nothing to help cover up the laptop story.
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