November 28, 2024

Ever heard of a thing called "Total Fertility Rate"? Government doesn't want you to know

Chances are you don't know much about a thing called the "total fertility rate" (TFR).  That's the average number of children all women have in their lifetimes.  To keep any population level (stable), on average, women need to have about two children.

Because this figure keeps a population stable it's called the "replacement rate." The actual number is a bit higher--about 2.1--because not all babies live to childbearing age.  So with that as background...

In all western nations the TFR for whites has been below the replacement rate for decades.  Oh, you never heard that?  I'm not surprised: No one has talked about it because western "elites" have long claimed there are too many people on the planet, so they were delighted with this trend.  They knew talking about it could alarm white westerners and possibly result in more white births, so they ensured that the Media didn't discuss it.

It's also worth noting that with the exception of communist China this trend was only significant among whites, in western nations.

Now: In England and Wales in 2022 the TFR was 1.49--FAR below the replacement rate of about 2.1. And then shockingly, in 2023 the TFR dropped from 1.49 to 1.44.

That's a drop of 3.5% in a single year--and is the lowest rate on record.

You understandably have no idea whether that percentage drop is reassuring or alarming.  Since the number of women of childbearing age in England and Wales is roughly 11 million, for that large a drop to happen in a single year is...highly unusual.

You might expect that in wartime, or when dangerous times loomed.  But what would explain it in peacetime, with no identified existential threats on the radar?

Also note that rate is for ALL women in the country.  Since "migrants" typically have 4 or 5 children, and the number of births to that group is increasing as more "migrants" reach the UK every year, the TFR for white women is probably around 1.25 or so--even farther below the replacement rate.

Here's a flash: you will never see this number published by the U.K, because it would trigger lots of...unpleasantness.

I mention this because white TFR far below the replacement rate is an unequivocal sign of a huge--and almost certainly irreversible--problem: it's a prediction of racial extinction.  And it's happening here too.  I've spent hours trying to confirm the TFR here but that number is extremely hard to find--and I suspect that's deliberate.  

You can find lots of numbers on "birthrates," but those numbers are far different from TFR and can't easily be compared to the latter.  You have to search a long time to find TFR, and again I suspect this is deliberate. in the U.S. white births have been below the replacement rate for about 25 years.  The best figure I can find is from three years ago, when it was about 1.6.  The only reason the U.S. population has grown at all for the last 15 years is entirely due to minority births and immigration.  Both groups have a much higher TFR than whites.

What could account for such a huge drop in the decision of so many white Americans to have a LOT fewer children?

There are lots of theories: one big factor is the liberal belief that children in developed nations are bad because they use more energy than children of other countries, thus produce more of the alleged "dread poison gas carbon dioxide," which beez killin' duh Erf!
Another is how the Left has increasingly sneered that raising kids is not something smaht women should do--cuz it's far less exciting and rewarding than climbing the corporate ladder, eh?

A third factor is the growing cost of raising kids thru college graduation.  Many couples would rather buy a home or take expensive vacations before having kids.  And many prefer the extra disposable income. 

A fourth factor is that leftist women have convinced young women that men aren't desirable--for anything.  Lots of modern urban "men"--many of whom have fathers who hate getting their soft hands dirty--have never learned how to replace something as simple as a broken light switch or a leaking toilet valve.  Many have never changed a tire.  Their forte is playing video games--and feminist women are quick to point that out.

For years in the U.S. more women than men have graduated from college.  As a result, more women are trying to catch a smaller pool of "elite" high-status, high-earning men.  If you can't get one of those, why marry at all, eh?

The last factor is harder to quantify: it's the extent to which Leftist raacists have planted the (possibly unconscious) belief in angst-ridden liberal women of "white guilt."  Look at the success of people like Robin DeAngelo and Henry Rogers (now "Ibrahim X. Kendi") in making whites feel guilty for...well, everything: unearned privilege, "systemic raaacism," stealing America from the natives--you name it.

One can debate the relative importance of these factors endlessly.  What is beyond doubt is the result. 

Well, at least it's beyond doubt if one knows how to do "maff."  


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