December 20, 2024

EPA/leftist order that would double your electricity bill--by demanding "CO2 capture"

 Lest you think the Left/Dems are gonna give even an inch to Trump, consider this:

The Democrat-fellating website Politico also runs another propaganda site called "E&E News" ("energy & environment").  Amusingly, Politico claims E&E News is totally "non-partisan journalism."

Utter horseshit.  They and parent Politico *totally* support Democrats.  And one of the MAIN Dem claims is that what was once called "Global Warming"--later cunningly re-named "Climate Change"--is fatally warming the planet.

Politico and "E&E news" claim "climate change" (formerly "global warming") is caused by duh dread poison gas carbon dioxide...AND that the main source of this terrible gas is gasoline-fueled cars and...carbon-fueled powerplants!    

It follows (to them) that IF the U.S. would just stop burning carbon fuels to make electricity, duh Erf would stop getting warmer.  Or maybe cooler.  See, dat's duh beauty of calling the problem "climate change," cuz no matter what happens on some corner of the planet, the Dems can bleat that it's PROOF of "climate change."

And because the Democrats totally control all K-12 public schools, they've convinced damn near all young Americans that all of the above claims are true.

(Funny side-note: highschool kids can't tell you who we fought in the War of Independence, or WW2, or when the Civil War was, cuz apparently the Left doesn't think kids should know those things.  But the schools *have* ensured that every schoolkid knows "global warming" (formerly "climate change") is caused by CO2, and that the only way to save duh Erf is to stop using carbon fuel to make electricity.  Oh, and also to stop using gasoline and diesel to power cars--leaving just electricity for that.
So let's do something Democrats hate: Let's look at some facts.  At last count about 60% of all electricity used in the U.S. was made from burning coal and natural gas.  Democrats in biden's EPA want most of that to go away.

They plan to do that by ORDERING operators of gas-fired and coal-fired plants to use a technology called "carbon capture and storage" (CCS) to keep carbon dioxide from getting into the air.  Politico say the CO2 would be "extracted", compressed and buried.  Simple, eh?

Really?  That so-called "simple ORDER" would roughly *double* the cost of carbon-fueled electricity.  Of course consumers that get most of their electricity from nuclear or hydro wouldn't be affected, but about 60% of consumers would see their bills rise sharply.

Reason is, as utilities are forced by the astronomical cost of CCS to shut down carbon-fueled generation, what sources will replace that capacity?  Because the Dems always block new nuclear powerplants, and won't let anyone build new hydroelectric dams, that leaves wind and solar.  But it doesn't take a PhD to see that those are "intermittent," which means that if you want electricity to always be available, utilities have to keep the turbines in the (fewer remaining) gas-fired powerplants spinning.

Climate-change fanatics (previously called "warmies") see no problem with this.  But if an ORDER from the EPA wipes out gigawatts of capacity, what will replace that capacity?  In other words, at night with little wind, how do the leftist morons propose to keep the lights on?

Democrats: "'Whut??  Hey, dat not ouah problem!  Dat *your problem!*  Yew dumb deplorables mus' obey ouah orders regardless of duh cost!  Cuz we makes duh rulez!  An' if dere ain't no way to comply wif ouah rulez, we'll fine your company into bankruptcy or put you in jail.  See how easy dat works, citizen?  We decree, you comply.  Totally easy!"

If that sounds utterly outrageous to ya, congratulations.

SO...Politico, via "E&E Newz," reports that on Dec 6th the DC Court of Appeals heard arguments on whether the EPA had the authority to ORDER all U.S. gas- or coal-fired powerplants to start "capturing" 90% of the CO2 produced by generating electricity.

Politico says "carbon" (actually CO2) is typically removed from a power plant’s exhaust using "chemical solvents."  Then the resulting mixture is heated to release the CO2, which is then "compressed for storage."  

If you think the energy cost of doing all three things--chem solvents, heating the mix and compressing gas--will be huge, congratulations.  But an equally hard problem is, how do you store millions of tons of compressed gas...*forever?*  Cuz if it escapes back into the atmosphere, all the leftists' scheming will have been in vain, eh?

But don't worry, citizen: to leftists, cost is no obstacle, since duh gruberment has tons of money and can do anything the Left demands--which is why the national debt is now $36 TRILLION.

The wokie left doesn't care.  Dey haz an "agenda," an' dey won't stop til dey gets whut dey wants. many of you heard about the EPA *order,* eh?

Source: Politico


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