December 20, 2024

Anyone wanna disagree with the prediction below?

1. As the number of EVs grows, we're seeing more EV fires where the EV that burns is parked in the garage of a high-rise apartment building.

2. This causes insurance companies to consider telling building owners that their fire policies will no longer cover EVs parked in garages of those buildings.

3. Pro-EV wokiez in the biden regime immediately threaten an "executive order" banning that, claiming it "unfairly discriminates" against people who own electric vehicles.  Since "unfair" is a winning buzz-word for wokiez, Americans don't object.

4. Insurance companies go to Plan B: raising premiums on those buildings.

5. biden's handlers have him sign an Executive Order barring insurance companies from doing that, claiming it "unfairly discriminates against people who own EVs."

6. Barred from raising premiums on the source of the problem, insurance companies--understandably unwilling to lose money--raise insurance premiums on ALL buildings with underground garages.

7. biden's woke handlers congratulate themselves on "saving duh Erf" by nullifying yet another reason NOT to own an EV--by forcing all Americans to pay the true cost of owning an EV.

8. biden's woke Democrat staffers laugh their asses off at how gullible voters are and how easily they can be conned by the "elites."


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