Every Media talking head slobbered over one of these nominees and sneered at the other
As one of biden's first acts as president, out of all possible candidates for Assistant Secretary of HHS, he appointed a tranny, Richard "Rachel" Levine, to head "mental health" for the entire country.
And as the Leftists running the Democrat party and the bidenharris regime well knew, the person holding that position was automatically given the rank of 4-star ADMIRAL. So not only was the tranny running "mental health" for the U.S, Levine also became the nation's first "female" four-star admiral.
Members of the Democrat-fellating Lying Mainstream Media laughed with each other at the inside joke: appointing a tranny to head mental health for the whole country was just TOO precious, eh? An open thumb-in-the-eye to "normies" (conservatives). Better yet, it was a huge fuck-you to the Armed Forces, by naming a tranny as the first "female" admiral.
A faaabulous double-win for the Left! A thumb-in-the-eye to the military and conservatives. "Mission Accomplished" on every level!
If anyone thinks foreigners and leaders of other nations didn't notice this brazen signal you're too damn dumb to breath without assistance.
Then after that faabulous win for the Dems and the bidenharris regime, to the surprise of no one with a brain, a few months later the biden-ruled Pentagon started ordering members of the armed forces to include their "preferred pronouns" in all emails and letters. And of course after that order, if a member used the CORRECT pronoun when referring to a pyrsyn who'd asserted he was a she it was a career-ending move.
Within weeks dozens of tranny service members--including dozens of officers--were cross-dressing in uniform. The Navy even paid an ad agency to create and run a television ad based on a member who was a drag queen.
Again, do any of you think foreigners and leaders of other nations didn't notice?
And then--"mysteriously"--young men stopped enlisting in the armed forces, which started failing to meet their recruitment goals.
If you think the Left/Dems didn't know this would happen--and didn't intend this to happen--you're too dumb to breed. Ooops, too late for many of ya.
Media talking heads: "Whu...why...whu...CLEARLY the reason young Americans don't want to join duh military haz nuffin' whutsoevah to do wif drag queens, but is obviously cuz dey realize duh military beez EEEeeebil. See, we've been invading all doze innocent countries! Young Americans recognize we iz duh nasty aggressors!"
Oh you bet, cupcake. Yet another "Mission accomplished" for the Democrat party.
If you think this wasn't the goal all along you're way too stupid to breathe.
SOooo...goodbye to trannies running "health care" in the U.S. Next job: get 'em the hell out of the military. Of course corrupt Democrat judges will block any such attempt.
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