November 13, 2024

CIA agent charged with leaking Top Secret/SCI information about Israeli war plans

This morning the NY Times reported that a "CIA official" has been charged with disclosing classified documents showing Israel’s plans to strike Iran in retaliation for a missile attack by Iran on Israel earlier this year.

The official, Asif W. Rahman, was indicted last week in federal court in Virginia.  The documents he's charged with revealing were prepared by a U.S. agency that analyzes images take by our most advanced spy satellites.

Court documents said Mr. Rahman held a top secret security clearance with access to sensitive compartmentalized information ("SCI"), meaning information so secret that even with those with a Top Secret clearance can't see it unless they're on a special access list.

To the surprise of no one, the CIA declined to comment.

Now: the docs were posted on the Telegram app, which isn't something a real spy would do.  So it's likely that this is more a case of a "sloppy" leak instead of a spy for a foreign power working for the CIA.  But still a big signal that something's wrong.

For decades the CIA was totally infested with spies, and there's no reason to believe that's been fixed.  Good guys have repeatedly tried to set traps to catch 'em, and do get a few, but somehow all investigations of high-level "officials" ended up being blocked.  Hmmm...

If you're skeptical, do a search for "James Angleton."

When the USSR split into Russia and 15 or so "independent states," the dominant narrative at both our State Department and the CIA was that everything was now peaceful and peachy, so the CIA loosened up its counter-intel efforts even more.

Over the next ten years we saw half a dozen CIA and FBI agents flee the U.S. back to mother Russia--which is convincing proof that they'd been spies for their entire careers.  But hey, "It's all gud, right?"  Cuz we iz now all peaceful, eh?

Fire 'em all and start all over again.

Any bets on whether this makes the evening news?

Source: NY Times


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