November 13, 2024

Democrats use their Mainstream Media allies to re-write history to explain...

Because half of all American voters get ALL their "information" from the Mainstream Media, and are kept distracted by dumb TV shows and "entertainment events," they have no idea what happened more than a year ago.  

As a result the leaders of the Democrat party know they can use their Mainstream Media allies to spout any bullshit they want--claiming it's absolutely true--and half of Americans will believe it.

"Absolutely, citizen.  After all, dey nevah lied to us before."

Ahh, really?  Even after the total lies about
 *the Chyna virus
 *the ineffective "vax"
 *arresting conservative parents for protesting at school board meetings
 *claiming the economy was *booming* despite massive layoffs
 *swearing that Porridgebrain was perfectly sharp, despite the endless videos showing he was senile...

if you STILL believe the Media tells the truth you're too dumb to breathe.

SO...after losing the presidency AND their senate majority, and the GOP retaining their House majority, Democrat "leaderz" tried to figure out why they lost.  

Was it because they lied that biden was "sharp as a tack" up to the moment they dumped him, even though he'd won the primaries?

Was it because they handed the nomination to the woeful Cackles without having an open "mini-primary" to give their delegates the chance to choose a FAR better nominee?

Was it because Cackles stupidly chose arguably the worst possible person to be her VP?

Was it because 52% of Americans hated Democrat policies?

After reflecting on all those possibilities the Dem "leaderz" decided they needed to change ALL the above, so...

Just kidding: instead they concluded they'd done everything right, including gifting the nomination to Cackles.  They decided their policies were faaaabulous, and that the only reason just over half of voters didn't like those policies was that voters who didn't vote Dem were stupid.  

But they did decide to change one thing: They'd use their Media allies to rewrite history. 

Of course you don't believe that for a moment.  So watch and learn.

"The Hill" is a Dem mouthpiece (like the Washington Post, NYT, Slate, Vox, HuffPo and others).  If you wanna know what the newest Dem policy is, look at any of the above.

And yesterday (Nov 12)--a week after the big Dem loss--the Hill posted a piece by a moronic pollster--Allan Lichtman--who'd confidently predicted Cackles would win.  But so did lots of other Media "experts," so that's not noteworthy.

What's new is that Lichtman blames his failed prediction--and the Dem loss--on  "disinformation."  He claims this was a “grievance election," and that "a lot of that grievance was driven by disinformation.”  And where does he think this claimed disinfo came from?

From billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk!

Lichtman claims Musk spread "false or misleading information" about issues like immigration, hurricane relief and the war in Ukraine. 

Ahhh, you mean you're claiming that telling voters the harris/biden regime had allowed 11 MILLION illegals into the U.S., including flying tens of thousands directly from their home nations into U.S. cities far from the border?   You're claiming that's "disinformation"?

Or claiming FEMA officials ordered workers to avoid helping homeowners whose homes showed signs supporting Trump?  Or that despite giving Ukraine $300 billion, they were slowly losing the war against far larger Russia?

Calling you out, you lying son of a whore.  Let's see a quote from Musk supporting even ONE of your lies above.

Lichtman says “Once you dissolve truth, democracy dissolves along with it."

Look in the mirror, asshole.

This dumb son of a bitch summarizes the dictatorship's sayings in Orwell's 1984 as "War is peace, famine is plenty.”

The son of a bitch can't even get that right:  Orwell never said "famine is plenty."  As everyone who's read "1984" knows, the ghastly dictatorship Orwell described said "War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength."

Geez, you claim to be a "smaht" analyst and you attribute fake iconic lines to one of the greatest novels ever?  Wow!'s what you can count on seeing from the Lying Mainstream Media, acting as air cover for the Democrats:

 * Everything we did was perfect.
 * No one pressured ouah beloved president to step aside.  Age comes for everyone, so being mature adults, when we recognized he'less sharp than earlier'...we did the adult thing. Because he's a good Democrat he agreed to step aside.  See?
 * No one pressured us to nominate Kamala.  Instead our choice of a nominee was totally open, fair and transparent.
 * As a black female, an accomplished senator and former attorney-general of a huge state, Kamala was an excellent choice to replace Joe as our nominee.
 * Her choice of governor Walz was equally great. He perfectly represents our party's values.
 * We only lost narrowly.  In fact with each passing day the difference in the national vote gets smaller!  By the end of this week you'll find that Orange Hitler only won the popular vote by a few thousand instead of the 4 million initially reported.
 * Any reports that we paid Oprah Winfrey to invite our nominee to appear on a "town hall" hosted by Winfrey are just snide speculation by Republicans jealous that we raised a BILLION dollars from our donors, outraising them by 3 to 1.

Source: Democrat rag "The Hill"


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