Battle of the health experts: RFK Jr. vs the so-called "experts" in Dem governments
I'm not an critical fan of RFK Jr. The guy's got a lot of Lefty baggage. But compare him to the so-called "health experts" appointed by Porridgebrain, by the ghastly Dem/Libs of Los Angeles, and leftist governments of Canada, Belgium, Quebec and Australia. DO YOU NOTICE ANYTHING THOSE GOOFBALLS have in common compared to RFK Jr.??
Unless you're a fucking brain-dead Democrat it jumps out at ya right away, eh?
Leftists are the people who vote that MEN win women's beauty contests. The ones who DEMAND that you agree that men are really women simply because they say they are. They're the ones who DEMAND that since you just agreed to their demand that a male who claims to be female really IS female, it must be be allowed to compete against girls, and allowed to use girls' locker rooms.
Leftist parents don't even bat an eyelash at this absurdity. "Of course you must call "Joe" "Josephine" and allow "HER" to use girls' locker rooms, cuz if yew dint you'd be "forbidding dis po' girl chile from playing sports in school! Yew jus' a HATER!!!!!
These people are mentally ill, and for the past four years (and during Obozo's term) they ran the country. Hopefully that's about to end.
Belgian "health minister" Maggie deBlock |
Here's the so-called "health minister" of Quebec:
Did ya notice anything odd about the "health ministers" appointed by leftists? Sure: grossly fat, unhealthy people. But to Leftists, appointing fat pigs as "health ministers" is GOOD, cuz it's a thumb in the eye of healthy, normal people. Leftists LOVE doing that.
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