September 22, 2024

California dictator signs bill *outlawing* parodies of politicians if made wif "AI"

If you're busy trying to keep food on your family's table, you don't have time to worry about the acts of dictators like Gavin Newsom.  They don't affect you.  That's one of the reasons I write this blog.  Here's the story:

Newsom is a child of privilege, and thinks he has the God-given right to rule.  He thinks nothing of DECREEING that "ordinary" people must do, or not do, X, while he merrily does it.  It's how he--and all Dem pols--think.  And when a state legislature is totally controlled by the Democrat party, with a governor like Newsom, things quickly go to hell.

So a week ago the state's Dem-ruled "Assembly" passed a bill making it illegal to post any parody of a politician or party if some fascist lackey says the parody was "made with AI."  Predictably this fascist bastard signed the bill into law as soon as it was passed.  And below is some citizen's response to the wannabee-dictator:


If you're a young American you don't know jack about the Constitution.  That's not your fault, because you were never taught anything about it in school--and not one teenager in a million would study it unprompted.  So you know nothing about the importance of freedom of speech, let alone anything else.

That's intentional, by the way.  The demon-Dem-communists know that if you don't know that our Constitution gives you certain rights (actually God does, the Constitution just wrote 'em down!), it's much easier for politicians to take those rights away--from people and groups the pols don't like.

So if you're a communist group, and camp out on your college campus to protest something, the leftists who run damn near every university just shrug:  "Dat's free speech," eh?   But if you want to invite a conservative speaker to your campus, and Leftist "demonstrators" attack and prevent the speaker from speaking, the leftist Adminishits just shrug (and smirk) and say "Sorry, them shutting down your speaker is their right of free speech."

And no adminishit is every fired for that outrage.  Never even sued.

Welcome to Newsom's America.  Exactly like harris's America.  Democrats' America.


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