August 07, 2024

The "logic" behind the endless terror by Hamas and Hezballah

History is packed with people who lived in nations whose rulers made bad decisions that got their nation totally defeated.

The citizens of those nations were then faced with two choices: Rejoin the civilized world and live productive, rewarding lives; or... continue to fight a guerilla war, setting off bombs in restaurants and stabbing one or two of "duh enemy" every week.

Rational people choose the first option: witness post-WW2 Germany, Japan and Italy.  All fabulously prosperous, productive, making sound decisions.  (Well, the communist Angela Merkel sabotaged Germany 20 years ago by welcoming an unlimited number of illegal invaders, but that was long after Germany had become a prosperous nation.)

Now imagine the alternative: a militarily inferior people who have allowed their crazy leaders to dictate the second option above.  Defeated in battle, they continue terrorist warfare for decades.

Their schools teach their children to hate "the enemy" from age 5.  Their leaders pay $25,000 to families of those whose sons are killed in terrorist bombings and stabbings, motivating other sons to do the same, not just to slay the enemy but to give a huge bounty to the dead terrorist's family.

But something has changed since WW2: some mysterious force has bribed terrorist leaders--who don't even live in the defeated nation, but live in obscene luxury elsewhere-- to keep up the fight.  They get literally billions of dollars from corrupt pols in other nations, and support from the corrupt U.N.  

What do you think the result will be, eh?

Sure: endless bombings and stabbings--what used to be called "terrorism" until the Democrats decreed that that word must no longer be used.  Cuz "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter," eh?

If this is starting to sound familiar, congratulations.  It means you're not totally brain-dead.

Now before going further, full disclosure: I'm not Jewish, don't own any property in Israel or anywhere else, don't have any economic interest in the conflict.  I'm just a student of history and human nature.

And one iron-clad observation of human nature is that "An evil man will burn down his nation to rule over the ashes."

Welcome to Hamas-ruled "palestine."  Oh wait, I don't wanna forget Hezballah!  Ah yes, duh party of Allah!  Great name, eh?

Both groups of "leaders" (I leave it to you to decide if they're evil) have found that they can make millions of dollars a year and live in obscene luxury by refusing to join the civilized world.

Their policies are "We will continue the fight for our own nation, by continuing to bomb and stab 'the enemy.'  When duh enemy retaliates, we will claim we iz bein' oppressed!  Duh worl' will then shower us wif' billions of dollars."

Lather, rinse, repeat...endlessly.

They could not continue to do this decade after decade without the financial and political support of outside groups.

SOoo...last October 7th the terrorist leaders upped their terrorism a LOT, sending terrorists into southern Israel and killing some 1,250 innocent civilians, and kidnapping another 250 or so.

As the leaders of Hamas knew, the Israelis retaliated, shelling and bombing Gaza--at which point Hamas was ready with video of the devastation, quickly uploaded to the corrupt Media.  World quickly reacts to the heartrending images of young children killed in Gaza.

Mission accomplished.

Again, I don't have a dog in this fight.  I just compare the results of decisions by Germans, Japanese and Italians to reject the evil men who would continue the terror, and instead to rejoin the civilized world.  Worked like a charm, eh?

But today the endless billions of dollars showered on the terrorist leaders of Hamas and Hezballah allow the leaders to endlessly push for more terrorism.

In the late 1990s the con-man Bill Clinton pushed Israel into offering the Paleswinians virtually everything they demanded, including a new state--and yet Yasser Arafat (a cunning con-man well matched with Slick Willy) still rejected the deal.  When you've spent decades building a violent movement predicated on fanaticism, hate, revisionist history, and the promise of ruling from the river to sea, why would you stop?

In 2005 Israel voluntarily gave the Gaza Strip to the Palis, forcibly removing Jewish settlers.  American Jews paid to buy the Palis modern farm equipment.  The Palis took over Jewish-built greenhouses--which were immediately destroyed by mobs.

So how did that concession work out for Israel, eh?  Hamas rewarded that with endless terrorist bombings and stabbings in Israel, which was open to traffic from Gaza.

When nations supporting Hamas sent tens of thousands of tons of cement to Gaza, Hamas used most of it to build tunnels and military bases under hospitals and schools.  Food convoys contained hidden explosives and weapons from Iran.  Hamas troops would tear down streetlight poles and dig up water pipes to make rocket casings.

Because corrupt pols around the world keep giving billions to Hamas, why would they ever stop doing what they do?

As someone once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.



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