August 05, 2024

Last Friday's jobs report for July--you *did* hear about it, right?

Good morning, deplorable citizens!  More faaaabulous newz from the regime!

On the first Friday of most months the regime's Labor Department releases the "jobs report."  And because the lackeys in that department are eager to keep their cushy government jobs, when a Dem is prezzy they always make things look a lot better than they really are, and then "revise" the numbers later.

So to set the stage:  For the last decade or so the concensus is that because new people enter the workforce every month (mostly due to immigration), then for unemployment to stay level, on average the economy has to add about 230,000 new jobs each month.

SOooo, what was the forecast for July, and how did Friday's govt jobs report compare with the forecast, eh?

Dow-Jones had forecast 185,000 new jobs--far less than the normal 235,000 needed to keep unemployment level.  In June the number of jobs had been trumpeted as 207,000, but today this was "revised downward" to 179,000, again a lot lower than needed to keep unemployment level.  (This always happens with Dem prezidents: the figure for the current month is always revised downward the next month, when the faabulous pre-revision headline has already made the Media and naive voters swoon.)

So Dow-Jones estimated July would be 185,000--definitely weak.  So how many jobs did the lackeys at the Labor Department "officially" tally for July, eh?  

A terrible 114,000--a stunning 38% below the neutral estimate.  Worse yet, that number is almost certain to be "revised downward" next month.  If you'd like to bet on that, let me know.

So what did terrible jobs report do to "official" unemployment, which the regime has touted as duh bestest evah?  4.3 percent, way up from Trump's average.  But don' worry, citizen: dis bad newz beez *totally* due to Covid!  And maybe Globull Worming.  Wait, maybe it's due to "unrest in duh Middle East.  Yeh, dat sounds about right.

Sure, sparky.  Whatevah duh alphabet networks say, right?  But around the 20th paragraph of the CNBC propaganda release we see "a further weakening of the manufacturing sector."

A few 'grafs later we read "An alternate measure of unemployment surged 0.4 percentage point to 7.8%, the highest since October 2021."  Wait, in October of 2021 the U.S. was still in the grip of Covid and the lockdowns.  Is the Labor Department saying U.S. unemployment is as bad today as back in the grip of the lockdowns?  

Nah, dat un-possible, comrade. Joe had been prezzy for nine months by then, so everything must have been faaabulous.

The good news is, don't worry!  Kamala has a plan to keep duh economy strong, jus' like it's been for joe's entire term.  She plans to unveil dis plan when she debates duh eeeebil Orange Man after winning the Dem nomination--which is a bit odd since she never won a primary vote.  Oh well, no matter: the Party handed it to her, just like everything else, and that's all that matters, cuz...democracy, eh citizen?

Doesn't mattah how ya got dere, just that you end up at duh top, right?  That's what democracy is all about, right?  Plus, she's such a brilliant speaker that voters will be inspired merely by her words!  Certainly the Media are absolutely *swooning* over her brilliance.

I do see Intel says it won't be paying a dividend for Q4, and plans to cut 15,000 jobs.  Fortunately for the Democrats that cut won't come until after duh election, so won't hurt Cackles' chances of winning, eh?  Good timing.

So really, everything is faabulous!  Duh Media is in full swoon over "Kamalot"!  Duh only t'ing we haz to fear is fear itself, eh?  Well, dat an' Orange Man, who joe and Cackles assure us is gonna destroy ouah precious democracy if we don't elect her!  

Say, is that the same "democratic process" that vaulted Cackles to be the nominee of the Dem party without entering a single primary? 



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