August 06, 2024

Overnight, Cackles goes from a joke to the darling of the Mainstream Media--effortlessly!

Have you noticed the overnight transformation of Kamala Harris from a mostly hidden joke to the absolute darling of the Mainstream Media?

Before The Party deposed biden and substituted Cackles, she was known for her obnoxious cackle and spewing word salads about things like “The significance of the passage of time."

But suddenly, on June 21st the rulerz of the Dem party appointed her their nominee.  In a brilliant move the Dems replaced their senile, boring, incompetent white male nominee with a candidate 21 years younger, and female, and one who claims to be black, despite not having a single drop of African blood.  (Yes, I know blacks live in lots of places other than Africa, thanks.)

But because Democrats wanted black votes, they decreed that Cackles was black--a claim eagerly parroted by the Media.  And now duh Media have annointed her as the greatest leader EVAH!  And she's "black," and female!  Win-win-win, eh?  So now they're busy deleting all clips of her marxist positions and word-salad bleats, and explaining away any they can't delete.

That's pretty normal stuff.  The outrageous part is that after a handful of insiders in the Dem Party installed her as nominee, despite her never competing in a primary or winning a single vote or delegate, or even filing to be a candidate, both the party and the Media are claiming that Democrats are somehow "saving our precious democracy"!

(See, appointing a nominee who didn't get a single primary vote is the textbook definition of "democracy"--at least for Democrats.)

The party's rulerz have decided there's no need to have a live vote at the convention to declare Cackles the nominee.  No need to risk some goofy delegate objecting based on some boring rule in a long-ago charter or something.  So the rulerz decreed that a "virtual" vote was all they needed!  

Besides, all the delegates had already pledged to vote for whoever the party named to replace joe, so dere's no problem at all. did that work again?  Were delegates given a choice between Cackles and...anyone else?  No?  Well, no matter, eh?  Why would anyone be bothered to worry about "choice" when the leaderz--who are a LOT smahtah den yew--have made the best selection, eh?

Can you imagine if the GOP tried replacing an old, unpopular male nominee with a young, trendy female weeks before the election, with the new nominee having never filed for the office, let alone competed in a primary?

The Media would go crazy.  And can you imagine the howls of derision if the GOP was simultaneously bleating that this move was somehow "saving our precious democracy"?  But when the Democrats do it, the Media swoons.  Fawns.  Slobbers.  And never asks any hard questions about positions.

And here's the ultimate hoot: If, in the 88 days or so before the election, the market crashes and both inflation and unemployment surge, the Dems will blame it on Trump, or the GOP House refusing to pass the ghastly border bill, or on Globull Worming, or tornadoes--and the Mainstream Media will totally agree.


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