August 05, 2024

Independent survey finds the actual unemployment rate is almost DOUBLE the official rate

For months now the harris regime's liars have been reporting the official unemployment rate as around 3.5%.  That was great news, and the stock market reacted as you'd expect.

The regimes lackeys reported that in July unemployment went up "just a tick" to 4.3%.

In the past--as when Trump was prez--a "tick" was a tenth of one percent, maybe two-tenths.  A jump from 3.5 to 4.3 should be considered a disaster--a huge warning siren.

Bet you didn't hear a thing about that number, eh?  Wait, aren't you one of the folks connected to the Internet, who could be expected to suss out all the important things the Mainstream Media doesn't want you to know?  Evidently not. a new survey has found that that based on asking 9000 real Americans what their status is, the actual unemployment rate is around double what the harris regime officially claims.

Democrat: "Dis not true!  Dis FAKE NEWZ!"

So who's right, eh?

Democrats: "Obviously the Empress Kamala's workers.  Because have they ever lied to ya before?"

Rasmussen surveyed nearly 9,000 American adults (a very large sample) and found that in July the percentage of Americans who are "unemployed and looking for work"--which is the number the regime's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) swears it reports each month-- was 8.4%.

To repeat: the regime reported the July unemployment rate was 4.3%, up from June's equally imaginary 4.1%.

Democrats: "We refuse to believe the results your poll claims!  We shall not!  The economy is BOOMING, comrade!  The very slight 'uptick' in unemployment is almost entirely due to AI replacing a few hundred fast-food workers in California, and the rest is due to Globull Worming.  Yep yep yep.

It's SO precious!  Virtually all Democrats believe whatever the regime claims, and refuse to believe anything that contradicts those claims.  So when the regime claims the disastrous, humiliating rout from Afghanistan--set up by abandoning our defensible airbase far outside Kabul--was "orderly" and "brilliantly executed," Dems nod in agreement.

The jab was "safe...and effective!"  Dems nod in agreement.

"Thanks to bidenomics the economy is BOOMING, comrade!"  Democrats nod sagely.  

Oh, and one more look at those employment numbers:  One of the three sectors with more employees than evah is...government.  Nearly one person out of 10 now works for some level of government.  And because no level of government ever has to worry about making sound decisions, they always overstaff (and overpay for the amount of work actually done). 

Democrat: "SO??  Doze still beez gud jobs, citizen!"  

Yeah, dey sure guud jobs all right.  But a key  point is that ALL gruberment employees are supported entirely by tax dollars.  Also, they don't produce anything of material value.  They make rulez--often crippling ones--and assemble reports that lie.

Every government employee who either makes or enforces rulez--like ordering coal-fired generating plants shut down--makes life more costly and harder for most of the rest of us.

But here's some great news for everyone:  Kamala has a plan to fix whatever you think is wrong.  Seriously! And once she's installed as the nation's first black and female prezzy, she'll be able to direct all of her expertise and skill to solving all any big problems you silly deplorables think we have!  

Just don't ask her what her plan is before she's installed, cuz she's just far, far too busy monitoring the situation in the Mideast and ordering the 6th Fleet into strike position.

Well.l.l, maybe it's not the 6th Fleet, but it's some number like that.  An' it haz aircraft carriers an' lotsa' uddah ships dat I kin order aroun', cuz I'ze duh president!  An' dat becuz I am totally unburdened by what haz been!



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