August 05, 2024

Cackles positions you may not be thrilled with--unless you're a Democrat

The harris/democrat Agenda:

1. Continuing the Open Borders policy that's allowed 11 million illegal invaders into the U.S. *and released without tracking* in just 3.5 years.  Illegals continuing the wave of rapes and murders, but of Americans instead of in their home shitholes.

2. Citizenship for all illegals--meaning they'll be allowed to vote in federal elections.  (Many shithole states already allow 'em to vote in local elections.)

3. Continuing the dem policy of *ordering* schools to allow men in girls locker rooms and bathrooms in schools, bleating the clearly false claim "Trans women ARE women."

4. Continuing to order men claiming to be women to compete in girls sports.  Bleating the lie that "Dere is NO evidence dat dis will cause any injuries to real girls," even though it has.

5. Continuing to spend infinite federal dollars suing states that have passed laws against putting minor children on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, and blocking sex-change surgeries--again, all for minor children.  For many decades we've been okay with society putting age restrictions on things like driving, or drinking booze.  But Dems bleat that "Dis beez different!  Yew can't restrict dis!"

6. Continuing to allow states to take children away from parents if the parents do something as reasonable as calling their child by his or her actual *name.*  That's already a state law in Washington and Minnesota, and has been introduced in other Dem-ruled shitholes.

7. Allowing school boards to connect students with "tranny" resources *without telling the parents.*   

8. Pushing to end the "electoral college" method of electing presidents, changtin to the winner of the *national popular vote*--but *without amending the Constitution.*  It's called the "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact," which the Dems have shortened to its initials (NPVIC) to avoid inflaming conservatives.  Google it!

9. Raising taxes NOT to reduce the national debt but to allow more wasteful pork-barrel spending.  Within the last 60 years the top U.S. tax rate was 90%--which tells the Dems they can do that again, as long as they promise it won't affect people making less than $250,000 a year.  Really?
10. De-criminalizing entering the U.S. illegally. (Yes, she's said that.)

11. Giving "free" healthcare and housing to illegals.  (Translation: you and your kids pay, via taxes.)

12. Giving prisoners free sex-change operations.  (Same translation as above.)

13. Ordering that all states must allow male prisoners claiming to be women to be transferred to female prisons.

14. Putting term limits on Supreme Court justices.  (Democrats are outraged that the court is currently either 5-4 or 6-3 conservative and has issued several decisions the Democrats hate.)

15. "Mandatory buy-back of all civilian-owned firearms (i.e. gun confiscation).  And before a single person bleats that dis could not possibly happen in a a free, "aware" country:  The socialist pigs in Australia did it in 1995, and the sheep obediently surrendered all guns.  The reason was that the *law* (they always do it nice and legal, eh?) said if they caught you with one after the deadline it was ten years in jail and a $10,000 fine.  No one was willing to risk that.  Oh wait...thugs kept their guns.  How many thugs have been jailed under that law?

16. Allowing government agencies (FBI, DHS, CIA) to pressure social media to delete posts that take positions the regime doesn't like.

17.  Harris has *explicitly said* (captured on video) she thinks "everyone should end up in the same place" in terms of income and wealth, regardless of effort.  This hasn't gotten any attention because she hasn't proposed how she'll do this.  Direct checks to dummies?  She doesn't say.  But because she doesn't answer questions--and because the Media refuses to ask her anything substantive--the Left and Dems come away thinking she's gonna do this--which ensures their vote.

18. Supports reparations payment to blacks.

19. Supports spending trillions for "green" policies ("Green New Deal") to fight globull worming.  Because every part of the Green Nude Eel is directed at cutting CO2, she apparently believe CO2 is the cause of Global Worming.  Gee, Cackles, has there ever been a study finding that duh temperature of duh Erf was even remotely correlated with the level of atmospheric CO2?  If you think so, got a cite?

20. Supports defunding the police.

21. Supports allowing all thugs to walk out of jail the same day without having to post bail ("no-cashless bail for all offenders. Even violent ones.

22. Supports mandatory DEI quotas not just in every federal agency but also for every company that has a federal contract! 

23. She's said she wants to ban drilling on all federal leases, presumably both on land and offshore.  This would cut U.S. oil production by about 28%, a drop worse than banning fracking.

biden/harris regime policies on which she hasn't been found to have stated a position, but which she should be asked to state for or against:

24. Witnesses refusing to testify before congress, impeding major government investigations, such as the investigation into the attempted assassination of Trump and Secret Service incompetence.

25. Severely limiting the consumption of red meat, ostensibly to fight globull worming.

26. Continuing the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ against conservatives.

Welcome to your next president, Democrats.  Hope you like her.


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