July 13, 2024

Some concepts from ancient Rome that are still valid today

The ancient Romans were very perceptive.

1. “If you want to know who controls you, see who you’re not allowed to criticize.” (Tacitus)  This is how comedians reveal who really rules society: they call everyone naked and quickly discover who rules.

2. “Few men really desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master.”  Real liberty means constantly making decisions, constantly discerning right from wrong; solving problems using your own intelligence.  It's easy to see that liberty is too taxing for most people, who would rather leave those decisions to a ruler.

3. "A falling birthrate always predicts the collapse of a civilization."  Fewer births mean men and women are no longer motivated to have children.  Faith in the future is replaced by material gratification--soon followed by the end of that society.

4. “The more laws, the more corrupt the government.”  A vast number of laws means the Rulers can use the massive power of the State to imprison anyone they want.  And they usually do.

5. When a nation starts a war of aggression, monarchies or dictatorships always have the advantage since both can make decisions without bothering to ask the people.  By contrast, democracies need the support of millions.

6. “Events of great consequence often spring from trifling circumstances.”  Seemingly trivial acts can snowball.



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