July 13, 2024

Senate committee considers a biden appointee for a lifetime position as a judge

This is Sarah Netburn.  Your corrupt president's America-hating handlers nominated her for a lifetime position as a U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York.

A lifetime tenure.  Got it?

Like so many liberal judges, Netburn is a lunatic.  She ordered that a 6’2” convicted child rapist be transferred to a women’s prison because he said the cunning bastard claims he "identifies as a woman."

Netburn obviously would never have considered putting the child rapist in the White House if he'd claimed to be the National Security Advisor, but she had no problem inflicting him on women in prison.  Cuz...liberal nutter.

Netburn argued that concerns from prison officials about putting 6'2" male child rapist into a womens' prison were "overblown."

Now he’s reportedly exposing himself to female inmates.  Any bets on when he rapes the first one?

When asked if chromosomes determined a person's sex, Netburn claims she “never studied biology" and was "unqualified to answer the question."  She's either lying or astonishingly stupid.

And here's the hoot: ALL DEMOCRATS BUT ONE on the senate judiciary committee voted to give this nutter a lifetime position on the court.

This is how biden's handlers slowly subvert the judicial system.  And yes, they knew her record before nominating her.  They were confident the Dems on the committee would confirm her, as would the entire Dem senate. 


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