July 12, 2024

In 2023 the bastards at the WaPo blamed a failure of peach crop on Global Worming. They lied.

Ahh, climate disaster!  Every day the Lying Media pushes another lie in your face.  Let's take a look at this one.  In June of last year the totally shitty, lying Washington Post ran this headline:

“Wild weather swings have devastated Georgia’s peaches”

Lawton Pearson has seen bad years.  But after Georgia endured record-breaking warmth this winter, Pearson’s peach harvest was wiped out in a way not seen in decades. His 1,700 acres of peach trees are yielding only about a tenth to a twentieth of what they should have.

Notice how closely the lying sons of whores at the WaPo juxtaposed “record breaking warmth” right before saying the grower's "peach harvest was wiped out in a way not seen in decades."

Not subtle, eh?  No school kid--or dumbshit Democrat voter--could possibly fail to make the connection the Post's liars wanted readers to make, eh?  "Global Warming=crop failure!"  Not until the 14th paragraph do the lying sons of bitches mention that the record failure of the peach crop was NOT caused by global worming but by...a late freeze!

But the lying rat-bastards weren't content to stop there.  The Warmiez had to throw in scary predictions of *total future disaster* from so-called “experts,” so the story of the 2023 peach disaster included this:

Experts project the crop will be reduced 95 percent this year.  And as Georgia’s winters get warmer due to human-induced climate change, scientists fear it may get harder to grow peaches in the Peach State.

Wow, and since duh "experts" beez screamin' dat duh Erf jus' keeps gettin' warmer an' warmer, in the year that's passed since the disaster of 2023, this year's crop will be even smaller, right?

Well let’s check, shall we?  Again, if duh Global Worming is right, we should expect duh warmer climate will make the peach harvest even worse than last year, eh?

“Georgia farmers report best-ever peach season after devastating losses last year” [Atlanta News First – 5/13/2024]

Jake Carter, a third-generation farmer, says this is the best crop he’s ever seen.  Everyone I know has a tremendous crop,” he said.
    Carter said this year is life-saving for some farmers who lost everything last year due to a late deep freeze that destroyed the majority of the peach crop. 

Now: Is there a single person who's dumb enough to believe the f'n Washington Post will feature THIS story?  Not a chance, because it totally destroys the whole bullshit scam.  For one thing, the headline in the Atlanta News First knows the crop failure last year was caused NOT by global worming but by a severe late freeze.  They put that in the second 'graf instead of the 14th, like the lying rat-bastard propagandists at the Post.

You couldn't ask for a clearer demonstration of how the "climate communists" will warp a story--like a bad harvest caused by a freeze-- to advance their wicked agenda.

Hell is far too lenient a punishment for these bastards.

Source: Ace of Spades


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