July 12, 2024

Wash Post claims "food prices are DOWN"--by one tenth of one percent???

Here's how brazen (desperate?) the Democrats are:  the biden regime has been credibly accused of triggering huge inflation, by vast deficits--i.e. spending a trillion or two more than the gruberment takes in.  So look how the Dems' favorite fellator--the Washington Post--counters:

>>Overall costs for “food at home” rose only 0.1 percent in June over the previous month. Prices for some key budget items are already falling: fruits and vegetables are down 0.5 percent, while cereals and bakery products are down 0.1 percent.

Now, "0.1 percent" is obviously one-tenth of one percent.  *That number is so small that it's not reasonable to have any confidence in it.  That is, picking the price for various food items on Tuesday vs. Thursday will almost certainly vary by more than 0.1%.

Same for the other two numbers: fruits and vegetables, and "cereals and bakery products."  The *alleged* drop is too small to be statistically significant.  But it does allow the Post to absolutely TRUMPET the faaaabulous news to gullible readers, eh?

Equally important, it allows the White House to claim that "food prices are DOWN."

Seriously, that's whut biden claimed in his "big boy press conference" yesterday.  Utter horseshit.

Source. WaPo



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