July 12, 2024

biden regime GIVES $1.7 billion more tax dollars to EV companies, most in battleground states

You have no idea how utterly corrupt the biden/harris Democrat regime is.  And frankly, not a single Democrat voter wants to know.  No matter how much evidence, Dem voters just brush it off.  Explains a lot.

Knowing months ago that they were facing a tough fight to retain control of the government in November, the biden/harris regime opened a program that would give hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to companies having any connection to those faaabulous electric cars, eh?

So yesterday the AP reports joe announced awards of $1.7 BILLION to an unspecified number of companies--all of which are unionized, and four of which are in "battleground states" where 15,000 extra votes could swing the state to the Dems.

General Motors alone got half a BILLION in taxpayer dollars "to help restart or expand electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly sites."

Stellantis--whose brands include Fiat, Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge--did even better: it will get almost a BILLION taxpayer dollars ($930 million) as a GIFT.  A staggering windfall.  Imagine the screaming if Trump arranged for $1.43 BILLION to be given to two companies that were boosting his election, eh?

So 84 percent of the grant money is going to just two companies.  Hmmm.... connections?  Kickbacks?  
The entire $1.7 billion will be given to companies in eight states, including the presidential battlegrounds of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Virginia.  What a coincidence, eh?

Can't find the text of Porridgebrain's faabulous speech but the Associated (Dem-fellating) Press says the Department of Energy will issue grants "to create or retain thousands of union jobs."

The AP followed this with several hundred words of slobbering praise for Porridgebrain from execs of GM and other companies, each of which mentioned how wonderful unions were and how much they'd benefit.

The White House said the $1.7 BILLION would "help ensure that about 15,000 union workers are retained in 11 facilities.  The AP carefully notes that all these grants "come after successful union organizing drives" in many or all of the states where the winning (connected) companies have plants.

This is one of the dozens of ways Democrats use tax dollars to help them win elections.  And the Media doesn't say a critical word, cuz...Democrats.

Source: AP



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