July 11, 2024

Video of San Francisco's famous Fisherman's Wharf--almost everything has closed

San Francisco used to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in the U.S.--far more picturesque and cleaner than shitholes like NYC, Philly, Baltimore, Chitcongo and similar.

That's from my personal experience.  I lived just an hour north, and my friends and I would go to "the city" a couple of times a month and make a day of it, often dining at one of the many restaurants at Fisherman's Wharf or the top of the 52-story Bank of America building, or the Top of the Mark.  The city was always packed with tourists.

Like so much else in America, San Francisco has become a disaster.  This link is to a 15-minute video, taken by a local walking around the wharf area.  Almost everything's closed.   

If you're not familiar with the area it won't hit you as hard, but if you're familiar with it...devastating. Big, famous restaurants that had been there since 1916 and 1925 are closed and will never re-open.  Same for hundreds of smaller restaurants.  The guy taking the video walks block after block, and almost everything is boarded up.

Of course everyone knows that virtually all the money these places made was from tourists, which is fine.  Tourism keeps lots of places in business.  But the number of tourists is WAY down.  And of course everyone with a functioning brain knows why:  rampant crime and filth.  Used syringes everywhere, people sleeping on the sidewalks.  The previous DA--son of communist leaders of the Weather Underground, Chesa Boudin--literally said he wouldn't prosecute lots of crimes.  You could now steal at will, and as long as the total value was less than $1,000 (technically $950, but how can you know?) then even if the cops caught you, you'd never be jailed, just given what amounts to a traffic ticket.  Which no one paid.

Now what effect do ya think that had, eh?

If you said "crime will go through the roof," you win.  Businesses stopped even reporting smash-and-grab thefts cuz the cops wouldn't do anything.  So amazingly, the number of reported crimes dropped! 

Which allowed communist sons of whores like Chesa Boudin to claim his policies were faaaabulous!

Now: the city government of San Francisco--called the Board of Supervisors--has long been corrupt, probably since 1930 but absolutely from 1960 on.  But as long as they were tough on crime, residents shrugged off the corruption.  Yeah, they knew Diane Feinstein was on the take, and Willie Brown, and, well, nearly everyone on the Board.  But locals just shrugged--as do residents of ALL the big Democrat-ruled shithole cities.  "Nothing we can do about it," eh?

My guess is that the owners of all those closed properties on Fisherman's Wharf are "politically connected" and have either stopped paying property taxes (knowing the city won't force them to pay) or have been paying taxes at the 1940's level ever since, so it's no financial burden on them to sit tight and wait it out.  But I suspect in a few years billions in Chinese communist party investment money will buy up lots of those prime locations, and will gradually take over the Board of Supervisors.  And the city will start re-building.


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