July 10, 2024

Democrats: "We were totally shocked to see that ouah preznit wuz unwell at the debate"

After the live, televised, highly-watched debate, many Americans (all Democrats) claimed to be totally SHOCKED at their preznit's repeated brain freezes.

All had something in common, other than being Democrats: the only source of "newz" they get is the alphabets, the NY Times, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC  and PBS.  In other words, the total liberal bubble.

Of course those of us who get our news from sources outside the liberal bubble have know for at least four years that biden was senile.  Demented.  Out of it.  So it's with greatest amusement that we see the light beginning to dawn:  They're beginning to realize that the people they totally trusted to tell 'em the truth have been lying for years.

Nah, just kidding.  Not about the "lying for years" part, but about "the light beginning to dawn."  Nope.  They pretend it nevah happened.  "We knew dis all along," they bleat.  "We iz reel sophisticated, an' we knew what was goin' on...well, sorta.  But whoevah wuz reeely runnin' duh country instead of Joe was makin' GREAT decisions!" 

If this hadn't had such devastating consequences it would be funny.


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