July 10, 2024

Showdown for the Dems to remove joe

Well kids, it's gettin' near time for the showdown.  "What showdown," you ask.  The 25th Amendment showdown.

As some of you may know there's a battle going on among Democrats as to whether biden is mentally competent enough to run for another term.  In fact some Dems don't think he should be allowed to remain in office thru Inauguration Day (late January).

To first appearances the party seems to be about equally divided, although at this point Democrat officials are swapping sides every day in both directions.  Meanwhile the person who stands to inherit the presidency--Cackles Harris--realizes the prize is almost within her grasp.

Party bigwigs have been bleating (dutifully parroted by their Media lackeys) that unless biden voluntarily steps aside, they're powerless to force him to.

That's utter, brazen horseshit.  They've said that because they well know that there are LOTS of Dem voters who totally LOVE the corrupt Porridgebrain, and Democrat bigwigs know that if they force joe out (which, despite their cutesy lies, they absolutely have the power to do), lots of those voters will be offended and may stay home.

Easy to see the dilemma, eh?

As everyone surely knows, the Dems could force joe out using the 25th Amendment.  This was ratified in February of 1967 and chances are almost none of you have read it.  That's fine, cuz whatever you think it means will be overruled by some unelected judge anyway, eh?  But if you haven't read it, here's  the critical part:  

Whenever the VP and a majority of the principal officers of the executive departments transmit to the Senate and Speaker of the House their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the VP shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office, as Acting President.

"The principal officers of the executive departments" are the Secretaries of 15 major federal agencies.  

In the "old days" most agency heads were usually selected for competence.  Under Democrats at least half are chosen because they check the "right" boxes on the DIE-versity chart.  I'll leave it to you to figure out who's who.

Now you might think all the agency heads would support the person who nominated 'em to their prestigious, high-paid jobs, eh?

You may be surprised.  IF Cackles and congressional Dems vote to remove joe,  seven agency heads--six women and one black male--appear likely to vote to remove joe because they're either female or minorities.  And there are three white males, at least one of whom is likely to vote to remove.

SO the question is, is Cackles willing to roll the dice and ask someone to approach the agency heads proposing to use the 25th.  

If at least 8 of the agency heads agree, biden is out as prezzy and Cackles automatically assumes the office.  So the decision to remove get down to just eight people. 

Now, the Amendment is silent on whether a president removed under it could still be the party's nominee, but it's hard to imagine even the Democrats being that stupid.  So with joe out, what does the party do for their nominee, eh?

Well, black female convention delegates have said that if the Party does NOT select Cackles as the nominee they'll "blow up the Party."  That's a direct quote.  It's doubtful the party bigwigs will buck 'em.

From looking at Kammi's CV there can be no question that she's power-hungry (a problem that afflicts most politicians).  But she can't be seen as pushing the 25th at all, since that will alienate loyal white Democrat voters.  And since the 25th says the VP must join the vote to remove, she's gonna have to walk a fine line, claiming she's "heartbroken" over having to do this, but "It wuz fo' duh good of duh nation."  Yep, that's the line.

Also, if they dump biden and Kamala loses badly, millions of Democrat voters will believe biden could have won if only they hadn't removed him--regardless of whether that's plausible.  So the problem gets down to her having others approach the agency heads, and then seeing if they can get the bare majority of 8 out of the 15 to vote for removal.   

Frankly I think the downside for Cackles if she succeeds in forcing joe out, then loses the general election and has millions of Democrats saying "If only you hadn't been a power-mad bitch, we could have won with joe" (no matter how far-fetched), outweighs the very small chance Cackles would win if she gets the nomination.  But of course she may well reach the opposite conclusion.

In fact from her standpoint it's better to NOT sign on to the 25th and to let joe stay as the nominee, since he polls a percent or two better than she does.  Cuz if the Dems win, she'll be president in barely a year anyway.

So I'm starting to see why, after all the Media stories three days ago were saying "biden is out," they're now all reversing and saying he'll be the nominee:  Someone with savvy has explained to Cackles just what I've said here: she's better off to NOT try to push him out, giving her a fractionally better chance of becoming prezzy.

Oh, and for those who were curious about my guesses on who would vote to oust biden with the 25th:

  Janet Yellen: white but easily guilt-ridden enough to vote to nominate a "black" female;
  Lloyd Austin: black male
  Deb Haaland: native American and socialist;
  Gina Raimondo: like Yellen, white female but guilt-ridden;
  Julie Su (acting Labor Secretary): female, minority;
  Adrianne Todman (acting sec of HUD): black female;
  Jennifer Granholm: guilt-ridden DIEversity- supporting female;

That's seven.  Then one of three males is likely to vote to dump joe:
  Miguel Cardona: corrupt, pro-tranny sec of education;
  Alejandro Mayorkas: Homeland Security, pro open borders.
  Xavier Becerra: HHS.  Strong backer of La Raza, likely believes Cackles would destroy things faster than joe (if that's possible)

SO...Cackles has a chance of getting 8 votes from this group to dump joe, which will almost certainly result in her getting the nomination.  Question is, will she do the calculus and see that she's better off leaving everything as-is?


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