June 10, 2024

For young Americans: What is "authoritarianism"?

Authoritarianism is...

  • when the rulers try to make you buy something you don't need or want; 
  • it's when the rulers force citizens to take an experimental drug or be fired, and lies that the jab is effective;
  • it's when the rulers draconian mandates that created a nationwide supply chain slowdown and price increases on everyday goods. 
  • it's when the rulers force people to totally ignore reality and swear that men can be real women just by say it's so;
  • it's when the rulers claim concerned parents at school board meetings are "right-wing extremists;"
  • it's spying on American citizens without a warrant;
  • it's creating an "ex post facto" law making a records error a felony in order to jail a political opponent;
  • it's militarizing the IRS, giving IRS agents firearms.

It's what we've been seeing since biden/harris were installed. 

Democrats: "But authoritarianism beez guuud!  Pipo need strong leaders like ouah preznit who will tell 'em what they have to do, cuz otherwise they might do something else!  See?"


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