June 16, 2024

Do black kids in anywhere in the U.S NOT know the word "computer"? Dem pol said that was true

You pay attention to news, right?  So...who said this?

"Right now we have young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word 'computer' is."

Sure:  A Democrat female, right?  A governor--of a long-Democrat-ruled state.

Kathy Hochul.  Who later said she "misspoke."

The Mainstream Media didn't pay any attention.  But people who get their news from the Internet heard about it.

So tell us, Democrats: what do you think your brilliant governor *meant* to say?  What word or words can you change in her statement--quoted above--to make that statement NOT racist?

Uh..."Young white kids growing up in the Bronx."  Yeah, that's what she meant to say.  

Wait..."Young white kids growing up in Westchester County..."  Yeh, dat's it.

Wait..."Young black kids growing up in Haiti don't even know..."  Yeh, dat's probably it!

Just tell us, Democrats: What did she *mean* to say with her comment to make it not raaaacist?  Take your time.


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