Employees of coffee shop DEMAND the right to unionize. Owner closes the business.
Unions are powerful. And from what I've seen in decades on the planet, the bosses are almost always corrupt, taking ever-increasing salaries. The scam works because employers--business owners--are scared to death of crossing the union, which can essentially force members to go on strike.
When that happens, the owner almost always caves in, because it's that or be forced into bankruptcy, because you have continuing costs but no income. Simple. And obviously the unions know it. It's like "negotiating" with a gun at your head.
Thus I was tickled to see a story from Philly--once the birthplace of freedom, now a sad Democrat-ruled shithole. Seems the employees of a successful coffee shop business that had been open for a decade demanded to unionize.
The owner thought about this for a second. He'd worked his fanny off and didn't like being threatened by union thugs, so he just said "Goodbye." Closed all three shops!
That alone is fabulous enough. But it gets better: The now-jobless former employees were absolutely incensed! "How dare he close 'our' business?" they bleated. "Dis' not FAIR, comrade!"
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"Dis' not FAIR, comrades! We DEMAND dis owner keep his bidness open! |
The business owner generously volunteered to keep paying their health insurance for three months, but of course the former employees are demanding severance pay! Wow, that's ballsy.
NOW: because biden's department of "labor" does whatever joe's handlers order, biden's department of "Justice"--civil rights division, of course--will sue the owner for millions. Of course you don't care cuz not you, right? Sure, makes perfect sense. Except for one thing not one of you has considered:
Lots of smart, energetic people--people who might be inclined to try starting a business--saw this story, and how the regime sued the owner after he said "I'm done here." They'll look at this and think "I mortgage my home and borrow money to start my business, work 80 hours a week to get it going, obey the thousands of chickenshit regulations, pay my taxes, and suddenly...the union strikes and the Democrat regime sues me? Go fuck yourselves."
And they don't start the business.
Now imagine ten-thousand would-be business starters doing that. Think the economy might suffer?
Now, the beauty of a free market is that if a business owner doesn't offer employees enough money for what he's asking 'em to do, they're free to find work somewhere else. Eventually the owner is left with not enough employees. How does he respond, eh? Sure.
But one group isn't satisfied with that system, and demands the right to put a gun to the head of owners.
That's a hallmark of communism. To their credit, most communist governments noticed their nations weren't nearly as prosperous as freer nations. But Democrats and union bosses like their version.
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