biden regime (garland's thugs) arrest two men for...writing an app?? Yep
Governments--all governments--constantly take away your rights, either by passing laws or having their lackeys issue "rules" either ordering what they won't allow anyone to do, or ordering what they now claim everyone MUST do.
If you don't understand that, go play outside.
If you confront bureaucrats or corrupt pols about this, they give you the wide-eye-innocent look. "We're just doing this for your own good," they bleat.
Sure. And it it's just an accident that this just happens to always result in more control and more power for the pols and bureaucrats. "But dat jus' coincidence, citizen! Reeeally! We jus' wants whut's gud fo' YOU!"
Go fuck yourselves, assholes.
Back in the '90s the so-called "top law-enforcement agency of the country" (hahahahahaha!)--the FBI--tried to ban ALL online encryption. Of course they said they had a reeeeally gud reason: they said criminals and terrorists might use encryption to send emails the FBI couldn't read!
Oh NOOooo! Duh rulers can't allow yew to write somethin' dey can't read, cuz yew might be plottin' against 'em, eh? And that's perfectly understandable from the standpoint of a totalitarian. (For young Americans that's a dictator.)
Oh, you don't believe that? In the early 1990s the government prosecuted a guy who wrote an app called "PGP" ("pretty good privacy"). Of course if you're under 50 you never heard of that, eh? PGP allowed ordinary citizens to send messages over the internet that the government allegedly couldn't read.
OMG! The regime was not ABOUT to tolerate that, eh? So they charged the developer with "distributing a program that allows people to send messages we can't read" (translated from deliberately indecipherable legalese).
Democrats laugh at the "conspiracy-theory" aspect of that, but consider: if you agree that banning encryption is fine, what's the difference between that level of control and banning the sale of, say, kitchen knives?
Oh, I hear some of you say you don't get the connection. It's that a kitchen knife is useful as heck, but obviously can be used to kill. And obviously no one wants that, right? So because the knife might be used harmfully, the rulers claim they must ban kitchen knives. But totally for your own good, of course.
Starting to get it yet?
If you're a Democrat, you don't--and likely never will. Most Democrat voters seem to agree that it's a good thing for "your" rulers to ban things that could be mis-used. Like knives. Or guns.
"Wait...whut? What crazy conspiracy-talk!"
Really, sparky? That's because you have no idea what the fuck the biden/garland/harris regime is doing every day. You don't know cuz duh Mainstream media doesn't tell ya. And since you get all your "newz" from the MSM, how would you know anything they didn't tell ya?
The gruberment--the biden regime--obviously won't tell ya what they're doing, eh?
Ready for a dose of reality? (You're not.) Hang on:
Money is a morally neutral tool: it can be used to buy groceries or illegal drugs. Dictators don't like the fact that money can be used to do bad things, but they haven't figured out how to ban it (until recently, but that's for later).
But moving millions around in CASH is hard, so large amounts of money are usually funneled thru banks. Aha! So to allow the rulers to catch people doing things with money that the rulers didn't like, the rulers demanded that banks report to the regime EVERY transaction of $10,000 or more.
Oh, did the rule say "$10,000 or more"? Yes it did, but now they're prosecuting people who make lots of deposits of LESS than $10,000, claiming the people are doing that to EVADE the reporting threshold! If your friends reimburse you on Venmo for lunch, a year ago the IRS demanded that you account for that as income, or explain why it's not. That set off a firestorm, and the regime quietly backed down, but they haven't given up.
See where this is going yet? Nah, you don't.
So by the same token, the regime hates so-called "digital currency" since it allows people to move huge amounts of money around without going thru a bank, so there's no "trail" the gruberment can find.
Ooooohhhh, can't allow THAT, eh citizen? Duh rulerz gotta know everything!
So for the rulers to maintain their control, they've claimed "digital currencies" are actually "securities" (like stocks) and thus must be registered with the SEC, and comply with thousands of reporting rules.
Those cases are still being decided by the courts--by corrupt judges who will do anything the rulers want, since that's how you get to be a judge on the Supreme Court, eh?
Anyway...while those cases are being decided, the rulers are demanding that everyone who runs a digital "token" report every movement to the regime. And they're prosecuting anyone who doesn't comply.
Naturally you don't believe that. It's just crazy-talk, eh? Cuz if dey could do DAT, what next, eh? Banning the sale of kitchen knives?
Yeah, well...on April 24th biden's and Merrick Garland's so-called "Department of Justice" arrested the creators of an app that allows users to spend "digital currency" anonymously.
Seriously. That's how much power your Democrat rulers have now seized.
The indictment accuses the creators of the app of "conspiracy to commit money laundering." Why "conspiracy to commit" as opposed to simply "money laundering"?
Because the creators of the app didn't "launder" any money. All they did was to write an app that allowed people to buy things without reporting those purchases to the gruberment. there a law requiring you to report to the feds all purchases you make? Wow, that's...awful!
Spoiler for stupid Democrats: There has NEVER been a law forcing U.S. citizens to report to the dictators everything they buy--as the dictators well know. So instead of trying to prosecute THAT, they cunningly made the prosecution for "conspiracy to commit money laundering," which is arcane enough that most people have no idea what the hell it means.
This indictment is like prosecuting a store for selling someone a kitchen knife.
So, on April 24th biden's and garland's DOJ arrested the two guys who wrote this app ("Samourai Wallet"), accusing them of "conducting the transmission of money without a license."
That's called "regulation by arrest and intimidation," because if the regime gets away with it--and they almost always do--then this becomes the new de-facto "rule." Even in the rare cases where the regime is eventually reversed by a court, the defendants have spent years and hundreds of thousands of dollars defending themselves. By contrast, no shithead bureaucrat is ever fired or prosecuted or even demoted.
Cool, eh?
But DO keep voting for Democrats like biden, citizen. Cuz duh regime will keep you safe, by monitoring what you buy. And soon they'll roll out the Democrats' version of digital currency, to make that even easier.
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