June 08, 2024

Angry, "entitled" racist brags that she can't be fired. Is fired, and totally outraged!

Karma has a sense of humor.  Unfortunately that humor goes over the head of lots of people when she comes calling.

I'd never heard of the creature below until ten minutes ago, but unless Bri wants to try the Joy Reid defense ("I dindoo doze comments on my Fakebook page!  It wuz hackers did it!), it seems Karma got the right gal.  

Seems Bri had some sort of podcast for a Dem shill-site called The Hill.  And in the top panel, in 2020 she was SO smug that some people were mad that "some people are so angry that I can't be fired" for  her outrageous on-air comments. 

Whereupon Karma woke up from her nap.  The rest of us started the clock.

Just kidding.  I didn't start the timer cuz I had no idea who this smug, charmless, self-entitled creature was.

Now apparently a day or so ago, Karma paid a visit to the smug, angry Briahna--and Bri was NOT pleased.

So, Bri: what was that you bleated about "Some people are so obviously mad [that] I can't be fired"?   Have you contacted an attorney with the biden regime yet to file your lawsuit?  I hear the "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission" and the "civil rights" division of the "Just Us" Department are both eager to take your case at taxpayer expense, especially with an election coming up soon.

For those curious about the reason she was fired, it seems Bri believes that all the video (seen by the select members of the Media but not by the public because so horrible) and all the confessions by captured Hamas attackers on October 7th are...wait for it...fake.  Yep, no rape or torture or victims tied up and burned to death.  All fake.

Wow, really Bri?


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