June 06, 2024

A brief history of Hunty biden's laptop...and the now-inevitable consequences of the denials

Oct 14, 2020: two weeks before the election the New York Post broke a story about Hunty biden abandoning a laptop at a repair store.  The laptop contained tens of thousands of emails proving biden was totally corrupt--taking bribes from foreign nations.

The regime knew--from Democrats working at the Post--that the story was in the works, and they had their counterattack all ready to go: a letter from "51 former U.S. intelligence experts" claiming the laptop story "has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation."

That was carefully, cunningly worded.  Because as biden's handlers well knew, the Lying Media would instantly shorten this to "It wuz Russian disinformation"--i.e. a fake.  And of course the Media did exactly as expected.

Even more outrageous, a month before the story broke the FBI told the leftists who ran both Fakebook and pre-Musk Twatter that a "fake story about a biden family member" was about to break, and that they should spike it. And both did, deleting user posts that referenced the Post's story.  Twatter even deleted user *accounts* that mentioned the story.

That's background.  Now, just over a week after the story broke, during a debate between Trump and crooked Joe on Oct 22nd, the corrupt biden screamed--no doubt for emphasis--that the laptop story was "Russian disinformation."

The corrupt son of a bitch *knew* (because his handlers knew and surely told him) that the laptop did in fact belong to his corrupt, amoral, crack-addict son.  But viewers outside of New York City had no idea, since the story had been spiked by the Mainstream Media.

And naturally the Media agreed with biden that the story was fake.  So...damning information neutralized.  Mission accomplished.

But it wasn't fake.  It was absolutely true.  Worse yet, BOTH the FBI and the white whorehouse crew KNEW it was true.  But they also knew the Lying Mainstream Media would never investigate if the liars said the magic phrase "Russian disinformation."

The average American is SO staggeringly uninformed--and totally incurious.  The Post told you the truth--and conservative bloggers tried--but corrupt social media won the day, and you believed their lies.  

You refused to listen and learn the truth, so like all stupid, stubborn people you deserve everything that not only *has* happened, but also every event that has now been set in motion by the moronic, corrupt policies of the corrupt shithead-in-chief and his supporters in congress.

You Democrats voted for this.  You'll all deny your culpability, but your votes set these future events in motion--and the results are now inevitable, unavoidable.  Like an avalanche or a plane crash, there's no longer enough time to change course enough to avoid the disasters biden and his moronic supporters in congress have set in motion.

In voting for biden in 2020 you Democrats did this.  You had all the information needed to know he was totally, thoroughly corrupt, but you stubbornly ignored it.  Because you believed the Lying Mainstream Media--which publishes only pro-Dem propaganda--you ignored everything that contradicted it.  

You've condemned your own children.  I'm sad for them, because they did nothing wrong, yet they've been condemned--by your refusal to learn--to a painful future (unless they flee the big cities, which few will do).  But nothing will change the future events your votes made unavoidable.

A lifetime ago I was an AF pilot.  Flew heavy trans-ocean jets for 9 years.  As a result I have a huge sympathy for pilots who get killed--along with their passengers--through no fault of their own.  Sometimes no matter how skilled you are, there's nothing you can do to save the day.

But aviation is *full* of crashes of perfectly good airplanes, caused by incompetent or careless pilots.  Their negligence or stupidity make the crash inevitable...and as a pilot you watch the events unfold toward the inevitable, easily predictable  disaster.  Exactly like your corrupt, incompetent president and his party's policies.

I've studied both plane crashes and politics for more than 50 years now.  It's depressing, but only by studying it and understanding why a crash (or a disaster caused by stupid pols) happened can you hope to avoid one just like it.

But of course none of you study politics, so you don't learn from the disasters.  Instead you eagerly believe every bit of bullshit the Lying Mainstream Media feeds ya.

I understand.  Really.  You're so busy trying to keep your job and feed your families and pay your taxes that you think you don't have time to study what's going on.  So yeah, I have a bit of sympathy.

But if you're one of those smug, arrogant bastards who find the Jimmy Kimmels of the world SO funny, and are so sure they're right, and that biden and the Dems should rule us, and you refused to listen to anything that would make you doubt what the Media fed you, I have zero sympathy.  

May you enjoy what you've set in motion.  Revel in your brilliance.  The regime and their Media lackeys told you inflation was vanquished.  You weren't sure, but you believed them--because they would nevah lie to ya, would they?

Crime is DOWN, right?  At least that's what the Media and the regime constantly tell you.  You're not sure, but you believe them--because you don't have the figures, and you're sure they'd never lie to ya.

Millions of illegal aliens are NOT pouring over the border at the invitation of biden and Alejandro Mayorkas.  At least the Media keep showing you video of that lying shithead Mayorkas telling you "The border is totally under control."  And because the Media never said Mayorkas was lying his ass off, you believed it was true.

Sure, you may have accidentally seen a few clips of crowds of unidentified people under an "international bridge," but you don't live in El Paso so you're think those clips are crowds waiting for a Tay-tay concert, eh?  

Oh sure, some right-wing nutters claimed 11 million illegals have been allowed to stay in the U.S. since Porridgebrain was installed, but you don't believe 'em, cuz the Media haven't told you.  So instead you believe the regime, cuz you're sure they would never lie to you.

You might have heard the Vegetable say he wanted to end the use of carbon fuels--oil, gas and coal--in the U.S.  Gotta do dat to "save duh Erf!!"  And because the Media have told you (constantly) that CO2 is a dangerous poison gas.  So suppose that by spending trillions of dollars, in 50 years the U.S. managed to cut its use of carbon-based fuel in half.  How much would that change the *percentage* of CO2 in the atmosphere?

You don't know, and you never cared to ask...because it was easier to believe the regime's bullshit.  After all, the NY Times bleated that "99 percent of all *scientists* agree that CO2 causes global warming," eh? So there ya go: They'd never lie to ya, right?

Your preznit ordered you to take the jab or you'd be fired.  You were fine with that  because Fauci and the Media said it was "safe and effective"--AND that there was NO other effective treatment.  

They had to claim there was no other treatment because that was required in order to get the "emergency use only" approval.  So you believed them.

And *surely* the jab couldn't have been dangerous or ineffective, cuz if it was, your preznit would *never* have *ordered* you and your kids to take it, eh?

I could go on for an hour.  So damn much has happenedd that you can't even keep track of it all.  You've forgotten it because you don't pay attention to stuff like this.  Many people I talk with say "I don't care because I know I can't do anything about it."  

Does that ring any bells?

biden has denied that his crack-addict son Hunty ever took a dime from China or any other foreign source.  Yet we have copies of *bank wire transfers from Burisma to Hunty,* in the unusual amount of $83,333.33 per MONTH.  Anyone else think that's an odd figure?

Multiply that by 12.  That's what you get if someone agrees to pay you an even million dollars a year.  And for what?

Ah well...  And the beauty of the regime being able to control what you see (thanks to their supporters in the Mainstream Media) is that a year after any disaster happens, the average American won't recall what life was like a year earlier.

You did this, by your vote, because you were too busy, or too gullible.  But don't feel bad, because in a few months you won't remember that hamburger used to cost three bucks a pound, or that gasoline cost two bucks a gallon.  Or that the schools didn't try to secretly help your kid change genders.


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