Fauci: the corrupt shithead who's responsible for everything, including biden
Yesterday "Mister Science"--the corrupt shithead Fauci--testified to congress that he nevah tried to discredit the idea that the Chyna virus was created in the Wuhan lab!
Nevah, citizen! Seriously, he said that. But we have the emails between him and members of a group he tasked with writing an article for the Lancet doing EXACTLY that: discrediting the idea that covid came from the Wuhan lab. But in fact two of the members of that group are on record in the email exchanges saying the virus HAD to have come from the Wuhan lab. But after Fauci made his position clear to them, they reversed their earlier position and signed on to the article in the Lancet.
I suspect most of you think this both Fauci's original lie--and his total denial yesterday that he had anything to do with that lie--are much ado about nothing; scientists arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Quite the reverse: everything that's happened re covid since January 31, 2020, flows from the corruption and arrogance of this one corrupt, lying shithead. First, he sent taxpayer money to the Wuhan lab specifically to fund "gain-of-function" research there. We have the goddamn grant numbers. In 2015 the head researcher at the Wuhan lab even published a paper thanking Fauci's NIAID for the specific grant. That paper has been viewed all over the world, and can't be erased.
Then this lying son of a bitch flatly, indignantly denied to senator Rand Paul--under oath--that he did any such thing. Yet he hasn't been charged with lying to congress.
The Fauci piece of shit played a key role in demonizing both ivermectin and HCQ as treatments--which had to be done in order to allow the FDA to issue an "emergency use only" approval for the ineffective, deadly vax. The House committee played a recording of the shithead gloating that *if* the gruberment could get obedient companies and universities and K-12 schools to tell citizens "If you want to keep your job or attend school you MUST take the jab," people would obey, even if they were worried about the safety of the thing.
He admitted he just made up the "six-foot social distancing" bullshit, and the bullshit that masks helped. This guy was a malevolent piece of shit on every single decision and policy--and yet he still has his pension and isn't in prison for life.
In the military there's a saying that "Shit flows downhill." That's a re-phrasing of the well-known principle that if the people at the top are corrupt, everything turns to shit. That's because the people down the chain of command (or "organizational chart" for finicky snowflakes) take their cues from the people above 'em. Duh.
Fauci was the most high-paid shithead in the federal gruberment. I've followed his career since 1986 and he's always been a smarmy snake. There's no reason to believe he'll ever change, or admit to any wrong decisions. It's a shame no one has the balls to take everything away from him and throw him in prison for the rest of his worthless life.
And yeah, in case you couldn't tell, I'm a bit miffed at this.
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