June 03, 2024

Man claiming to be a woman, transferred to male prison per CA law, accused of raping 2 real women

If you're a normal American, and not living in the shithole the Dems have turned California into, and you don't follow our corrupt legal system, you won't believe the story below.

So...who dis?

Dis beez a woman, you dumb deplorable!  Name Tremaine Deon Carroll, an' "she" beez in prison fo' 20 mo' years--unless a tranny-loving Dem judge lets him out dis year.

Tremaine nevah reelize he wuz a woman til 2021, after a flaming Democrat state senator named Scott Weiner introduced a bill that year dat wud allow men to be assigned to a womens' prison!  All dey hadda do wuz claim dey wuz wimmin!

Is dat cool an' hip or whut?

So flamer Scott Weiner introduced his faaabulous bill--SB 132--an' duh Democrats who've ruled the state's legislature for decades were positively eager to pass it, cuz dat make 'em look cool, eh?  An' it jus' not FAIR dat men claiming dey's wimmin have to be in a mens' prison, eh?

See, if dey claims dey iz girls in a mens' prison, dey might be victimized, eh?  Is this a great state or what??

So immediately after the dreamy Gavin Newscum signed the gay guy's bill, ol' Tremaine suddenly declared he wuz a gal--despite never having shown the slightest indication of that being true befo' duh law wuz signed, eh? 

Tremaine, he smaht.

Because of Weiner's new law, the state's prison system was forced to move fake tranny Tremaine to a wimmins' prison.  And about a week after moving in, Tremaine raped a real woman prisoner, then a second one.  

Tremaine beez livin' large, thanks to Scott Weiner an' duh Dems, eh?

Before Weiner's bill was passed, biological male inmates were only allowed to be placed in a women's prison if they'd had "the surgery." But Weiner's new law beez lots cooler: a man wanting to be housed in a women's prison only has to claim to be female--just like men wanting to compete as girls in sports, eh?

Is the Democrat party great or what?  

(As an aside, Weiner called his bill "the Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act."  See, who could possibly vote against a bill with the words "respect" and "dignity" in its title, eh?)

So now a man doesn't have to have "the surgery" or even be taking cross-sex hormones to be transferred to a women's prison.  And as a result there are now 44 totally masculine men already in women's prisons, with hundreds more having applied.

Wow, who could have possibly predicted THAT, eh?  Only anyone with a functioning brain.

It won't surprise you dat Ol' Tremaine--like dozens of men claiming to be female--is being represented by the American Civil Liberties Union and the "Transgender Law Center" (yes, that's real).

In sworn testimony in support of his demand to be transferred ol' Tremaine bleated, "I am not a threat."  Less than a year later he'd be accused of raping a female prisoner in his new digs.

Weiner is totally cunning:  He didn't want to admit that his bill would allow men to be housed in female prisons even if they'd never shown any signs of claiming to be female before.  See, dat wud give his game away.  So he used language to require that men claiming to be female be "housed" based on their "sense of health and safety, which may or may not correspond with their gender identity."

Hey, who could possibly vote against something bleated to help someone's "sense of health and safety," eh?  That's some top-level bullshit.  But wait, we're about to smoke out his real goal:

"Transgender women are at severe risk of assault and sexual victimization because they’re automatically housed by their birth-assigned sex," Wiener said in a statement after his bill passed. "I’m authoring this legislation to ensure they can be housed where they’re safest. Transgender people deserve to be protected from being victimized."

So his law deliberately puts men who are totally male to women's prisons--where they're free to rape women.  So entirely because of Weiner's law, passed by the Democrats, instead of trannies being victims, fake trannies are allowed--by this law*--to be housed where they can rape real women.

Are Democrats compassionate or what?

In a 2022 op-ed for the San Francisco Bay View--which bills itself as a "national Black newspaper"--ol' Tremaine again claimed to be the victim of discrimination.  Of course.  What else could it be, eh?

In another interview ol' Tremaine said he "never felt the need" to outwardly identify as female "because doing so would put me in a box.  So, simply because I identify as a woman, people I’m interested in men.  Not at all, not ever." he said.

In California almost 2,000 inmates "identify as transgender."  Of those, 44 have succeeded in being transferred to a women's prison.  The other 1,956 are watching eagerly and trying to line up free attorneys.

Republican lawmakers, joined by a handful of Democrats, opposed Weiner's bill, for obvious reasons.  Didn't help, cuz the Dems have a "super-majority" in both chambers.

A women's rights group filed suit in federal court to have Weiner's law declared unconstitutional, but U.S. District Judge Jennifer Thurston dismissed the case two weeks ago, RULING that the state's prison system can't be sued in federal court.

I'm not a lawyer, but that's horseshit.  Per the Constitution a state law can't deprive citizens of federal rights, which is what Weiner's law does.  Judge Jennifer was just scrambling to find a bullshit reason to dismiss the lawsuit to please the trannies.

The lawsuit claims the state is required by the Constitution to ensure the safety of women who are in its prisons, and can't legally endanger one group--real women--to allow either real or fake trannies to have an easier time.




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