April 13, 2024

Taxpayers will pay for Democrat get-out-the-vote drives again this year

U.S. law limits donations to political parties and candidates, but allows unlimited donations to supposedly non-partisan organizations that say they want to register voters.  And, donations to these organizations are tax-deductible, meaning donors pay lower taxes.

So these supposedly non-partisan organizations are raking in over half a BILLION dollars this year.  Nice, eh?

The organizations send their workers door to door with pre-filled registration and ballot-requesting forms.  All they need is the voter's signature.  Ballot is delivered, and it's now legal for organization workers to pick up those ballots and drop them off in unmonitored drop-boxes.

The big restriction is that by law, non-partisan registration organizations must be non-partisan--they're not allowed to only register voters who want to vote Democrat, for example.

But as Democrats always do, they've found an easy way around the above restriction: they simply focus their efforts on low-income census districts, since low-income people are far more likely to vote Democrat.

"We're not targeting Democrats! We're just trying to register 150% of the black population of blue cities in battleground states!!"

In other words, the full Detroit.

After the 2020 election Time magazine ran a long piece describing a "well-funded cabal of powerful people" who had worked behind the scenes in 2020  "to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information" to defeat Trump and other Republicans.  Time gushed that these "shadow campaigners were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it."

The biggest single donor was Mark Zuckerberg, whose wealthy foundation donated $400 MILLION to do exactly what was described above.  "Fortify the election."

That Orwellian phrase "fortifying the election became a dark joke after that.

This year the all-Democrat voter registration effort has even more money, and their scripts are better.  By contrast, the Republicans have no comparable effort.

Democrats have also found yet another loophole:  Tax law prohibits wealthy foundations from engaging in partisan political activity.  But there's no limit to how much a wealthy foundation can give to one of these so-called "non-partisan" registration outfits.  Hence Zuckerberg's $400 MILLION.

During the 2020 election an organization called the "Voter Participation Center" solicited millions of ballot applications in swing states -- many of them prefilled for residents.  The Center readily admits it isn't seeking out all potential voters but just "young people, people of color and single women"--likely Democrat voters.

And that effort continues this year, with half a billion dollars being spent to turn out Democrat voters.

And the donors get a tax break for it.

We're not ahead; we are desperately behind.

Plus: In states that require citizens to declare a party when registering to vote, what happens if a voter, visited at home and asked what party they'd like to register as, says "Republican"?  What are the odds that the signed registration and/or ballot request will be submitted?

If not submitted by the organization, no ballot would arrive in the mail, greatly reducing the chances of that person voting.  Hmmm...

Wait...that couldn't happen, because that would be fraud.  And we know the Dems would nevah consider such a thing.




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