April 13, 2024

California bureaucrats find a small error

Here's a story we never expected, eh?  Cuz dat Democrat/biden/harris economy beez BOOMIN', eh?

Based on the monthly federal "jobs reports" from last year, the Dems who totally rule California claimed the state's businesses had added 325,000 jobs last year.

A month ago the state's lackeys revised that number a smidge.  "Uhhh...we *thought* state businesses had added 325,000 new jobs, but it turns out the actual number was a bit less: 50,000.  But hey, we wuz only off a tiny bit!  An' we din' have no reason at all to think the numbers duh biden regime wuz givin' us were off, right?  So we nevah checked against our own numbers.  Cuz dat would take way too much work!"

So...what does that mean for the future?

"Uhhh...um...uhhh...we think maybe that $73 billion deficit we estimated for this year may be just a tiny bit larger than we thought."

Gee, ya think?  And with rising unemployment, monthly taxes paid to the state will drop.  More laid-off workers will be drawing unemployment benefits, with many spending less, which will cut sales tax revenue.  Hmmm...like a vicious spiral, eh?

The only "industry" that added jobs was...wait for it...government, which accounted for nearly half of all jobs added in Cali (24,000 of 50,000).

The state also noted that the "professional services sector," which includes law firms, accounting firms, engineering and technical firms and management consulting firms, lost the most jobs (132,000).  That sector tends to have higher salaries.  And because the top 1% of earners pay 45% of state income taxes, declines in that sector are likely to cause state tax revenue to drop a lot more than expected.

California’s unemployment rate has been rising since August 2022.  The nationwide rate is 3.8%, but in January California's rate was 5.2%.

This was a big surprise to state law-rulers, since Cali has the largest economy in the country.  It didn't seem possible that its unemployment rate could be that much higher than the national average.

Oh wait, of course it's logical.  Businesses flee high-tax states if they possibly can.  And many of the massive wave of illegals are managing to draw unemployment benefits.

A GOP state rep noted “The Democrats are trying to recover from their budgeting blunders by shifting money and raising taxes, when they should be cutting wastes like high-speed rail and Project Roomkey that are costing taxpayers hundreds of billions, to no benefit.”

Facing a deficit of likely far more than the original $73 billion forecast, the state's Democrat-ruled legislature has proposed just $2.1 billion in spending cuts, with the governor (Gavin Newsom) proposing $8.5 billion in cuts. The tiny size of those cuts--less than a tenth of the likely deficit--shows that the ruling Dems aren't serious.  They're children, playing with the lives of people.

In 2004 state voters--angry that Democrat rulers always spent more than the state took in--passed a "ballot measure" (referendum) requiring the legislature to pass a balanced budget every year.  That law orders that if the legislature doesn't pass a balanced budget, it's barred from acting on any other bills or entering recess until a balanced budget is passed.

The Democrats who rule the state legislature have never passed a balanced budget, and no  rational adult in the country believes the Dems will ever obey the 2004 ballot measure and pass the balanced budget it demanded before acting on any other bill

The Democrats who rule Cali will ignore this law just as the biden regime ignores immigration law.  And no one will do a thing about it.

If the Republicans controlled the legislature and did this, the Dems would call their friends at the state supreme court and the chief judge would issue an injunction in an hour.  But with Dems in charge, nothing will happen.  The courts will blithely ignore the ballot measure.

This is hugely significant because if the ruling party starts ignoring laws--as the Dems have-- *there is no built-in natural stopping point.*

Democrat voter: "Dat jus' silly.  Duh Dems jus' *had to ignore dis one law,* cuz ev'ryone know good gummints gots ta spend mo' den dey take in!  We know dis' don' have no bad results cuz duh rulers in DC been doin' it fo' 80 years now."

"See, if dere wuz anything wrong wif doin' dat, duh Supreme Court woulda' said so.  Since dey din', mus' be okay, right?  If okay fo' duh whole country, mus' be okay fo' California, eh?  So see?  We smahtah den yew!"

"We always smahtah den yew."

Watch and see.


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