April 12, 2024

In NYC, thug brutally attacks and robs 68-year-old woman. There's more

In the Democrat-ruled shithole of New York City a 68-year-old woman was climbing the steps of her church when a male in a hoodie and facemask ran ahead of her, turned, and violently shoved her backwards, off the stairs.  You have to see this.

She fell on the concrete sidewalk and was badly injured.  She's in the hospital, reportedly fighting for her life.

The thug who attacked her stole her cell phone, purse and car keys, and sprinted off down the street.  He went to her car--likely because he'd watched her park it when he decided to attack her--and stole it.

Cops have now caught the thug.

Now, aside from the obvious--that this utter piece of worthless shit should be executed, terribly painfully, in public, both to end his useless life and to show all the other would-be thugs what will happen if they do crap like this--here's the twist:

When Kyle Rittenhouse used a gun to defend himself against a guy with a gun, the fucking media had his name and photo all over the newscasts within 24 hours.

But with the piece of shit who brutally attacked and critically injured a 68-year-old woman, *nothing.*  No name, no pics.

Democrat: "Well dat wuz cuz Rittenhouse was over 18, an' this po' boy is only 16."

Nice try, sparky.  Rittenhouse was 17, so still a minor, just like this thug.  But huge difference: Rittenhouse was defending himself, while this thug was brutally attacking an unarmed 68-year-old woman.  And yet...no pic or name.

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to why no name or pic of this thug in the lying Mainstream Media, when they were eager to post Rittenhouse's name, pic and hometown?  Anyone?

I predict this soul-less thug will turn out to be either black or an illegal alien invader, or both.

Is it any wonder no one trusts the lying media anymore?



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