December 17, 2023

A tale of two rallies, two candidates

The pic below is NOT photoshopped.  Instead it's an authentic pic of one of joe bribem's "rallies" in 2020.  No member of the public, just 16 members of the Lying Mainstream Media safely nestled inside their protective circles.  No one close enough to ask a question.  And this wasn't a one-off,  instead typical.

By contrast, Trump routinely drew 50,000 people to his rallies.  And here's a pic of his rally in Nevada today (Dec 17, 2023):  Many thousands, arena packed.  Lots of energy.  Here's a link to the video.


Finally, here's one of the most shameless Dem shills ever, bleating that the rally just above was "low turnout"!  "Weak energy, low IQ, small crowd"!  He sneers that Trump never built the wall (Democrats blocked all funds, then took him to court to keep him from using unused funds from the DoD to finish the thing--OH THAT kind of "didn't build," eh?)  Oh, and Zaleski bleats that Trump is "lying to old people to steal their money."  Wow.

These are the kind of obvious, utter lies typical of "Baghdad Bob," claiming no U.S. tanks were in Baghdad when they were well into the city.  Lies typical of Hitler's minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, claiming his country was winning WW2 when artillery shells were exploding in Berlin.  If you thought no rational person would utter such brazen lies, here's Luke to show ya it's totally normal in Democrat-world.

"No energy, low turnout," y'say?  Wow.


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