Satellite data shows no global waming for almost nine years. Dems: "FAKE newz!"
Last month the New York Times published an article we've seen hundreds of times before:
“Earth is likely to cross a critical threshold for global warming within the next decade, and nations will need to make an immediate and drastic shift away from fossil fuels to prevent the planet from overheating dangerously beyond that level.”
That propaganda piece cites a “major new report” issued by the United Nations’ IPCC. That U.N. "report" (actually horseshit designed to push their desired conclusion) wails
“There is still one last chance to shift course. But it will require that all industrialized nations join together to immediately slash greenhouse gases in half by 2030--and then stop producing carbon dioxide entirely by the early 2050s.”
How many other times have we heard that unless we acted NOW! to stop using oil, gas and coal, the Earth was DOOMED from global warming? It’s almost impossible to track them all.
But as the cultists and communists pushing Western nations (only) to ban the use of oil, gas and coal continue to screech about impending doom, other observers note that the actual, y'know, DATA clearly show that the Earth hasn't warmed in the last eight years and nine months.
Let me say that again: There has been no rise in global temperatures from July 2015 to March 2023, even though CO2 continues to increase by a tiny percentage every month.
The U.S. had the 2nd coldest March in the 45-year satellite record, 1.44 deg. C below the 30-year normal.
Of course if you're a typical American you don't believe that. Because if that were true (spoiler: it is) the NY Times and WaPo and MSNBC and the alphabet networks would tell you the good news, right?
And of course they haven't said anything about it--and won't. And as all my liberal friends are quite certain, if the Mainstream Media doesn't report something, it didn't happen. It must not be true.
Clever, eh? (They all voted for biden because they believed the emails in Hunter's laptop were "Russian disinformation.")
The factually-supported conclusion that there hasn't been any warming for almost nine years comes from satellites that measure temperatures in the upper atmosphere.
Democrat: "Yew shouldn' trust no satellites! Yew kin only trust duh pipo on duh groun' who reads duh thermometers!"
Really? Well now I'm really gonna harsh your worldview, sparky: yes, people know how to read thermometers. Problem is, duh pipo who *publish* the "official" records of duh pipo who reads dem thermometers--that would be NASA and NOAA--have been consistently lying, for decades.
They've literally been changing the "official" temperatures from what was recorded by the person reading the damn thermometer 30 or 90 years ago.
The two agencies have literally changed the actual observations. And yes, we have the proof.
You may well wonder what their reasoning was to change an actual measurement. Glad you asked! They claim a computer program--they call it an "algorithm" cuz it sounds more science-y to the rubes--told 'em to!
So skeptics asked NASA and NOAA to show 'em the code for that alleged program. Cuz believe it or not, lots of "ordinary" people know how to read a program and determine if it's horseshit.
You'll be amazed to learn that the agencies refused, claiming "It's proprietary!" (For young readers, that means they claim to OWN it. They don't, because everything developed by government agencies has been funded by taxpayer money. So their "proprietary claim is horseshit. They DON'T own it. We do.)
The claimed reason for changing measured temperature readings is that in huge regions of the Earth (like the U.S. west of Dallas and east of Los Angeles) an area 30 miles on a side (900 square miles) often has only one official weather station. So obviously we can't know what the temperature was at all the other points in that region, right? And how do you measure the temps on the vast oceans, eh?
You bet. So their "algorithm" would take data from outside the region magic, change the actual measured temperature at that point to whatever the "algorithm" claimed it should have been.
Wait, it gets better: You'll be surprised to learn that when running it on data for the last 30 years, 99% of the time the computer calculated that the "real" temperature was hotter than the actual, measured temp!
But then amazingly, when the computer examined data from the 1930's--the Dust Bowl era--99% of the time the computer ruled that the "official" temperature NASA and NOAA would publish was cooler than what was recorded by the person reading the thermometer at the time.
Amazing, eh? See, if the computer had ruled that *no one* knew how to read thermometers, and always read too low or high, that would be one thing. But what the lying bastards are implicitly telling you is that back in the 1930s all the readers read too high, but beginning around 1970 the new generation of thermometer readers started reading too low. See?
Yeah. Horseshit.
Now consider the satellite data: Unlike widely-spaced ground stations, satellites measure the temperature of the entire earth, including over the vast oceans. And so far, the conspirators at NASA and NOAA haven't tried to change the satellite data.
And again, it shows no warming for almost nine years. Hmmm...
Of course the Warmies will ignore the satellite data until they can find a way to discredit it.
So-called "fact checkers" will agree with the Warmies, and the fearmongering will continue.
If you're not convinced this is a scam, consider that Chyna is building an average of two new coal-fired generating plants every WEEK. Hmmm... seems they're not at ALL concerned about ending *their* use of carbon fuels, eh?
Instead they're demanding that *Western nations* stop using those fuels, while falsely claiming "*all* nations need to cooperate."
Uh-huh. Total horseshit, top to bottom.
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