Trannies claiming Nashville killer was "a victim"--and there's some truth in that, just not what they mean
Yesterday a mob of trannies in Nashville jammed the state capitol building and held up 7 fingers, chanting "Seven victims."
The Media lapped it up, claiming the tranny killer in Nashville was also a victim--possibly of cops? Oh wait, a victim because state legislators passed two bills making it against the law to give kids under 18 puberty-blocking drugs, or cross-sex hormones, or sex-change surgery.
"So, see? Duh killa wuz a victim!"
Interestingly, the killer was a victim--just not the way the tranny mafia insists you believe. Audrey Hale was the victim of the insane majority of American society.
Every one of the most powerful, influential institutions in America helped create the killer, by intentionally pushing policies that induce various types of dysfunction--many indistinguishable from insanity--in confused people.
The policies of the Democrat-ruled federal government, half the state governments, the entire legal system ("two sets of laws"), the entire "education system," 90 percent of the medical profession, all NGO's, Hollywood, every Mainstream Media outlet, every "wokie" company--ALL helped create Audrey Hale.
And it's not by coincidence, but by design.
I challenge you to name a single policy by the institutions listed above that does NOT have the effect of making young Americans (and liberals of all ages) hate this nation. Look at the crap that Hollywood and the Mainstream Media push as "entertainment." Look at the Democrat bills seeking to give trannies the same "specially-protected class" status as women via Title IX of the Civil Rights Act.
Look at institutions like the damn NCAA, which has officially approved males like the ghastly William (cutesy name "Lia") Thomas to compete in female sports. Look at the biden regime welcoming over two MILLION illegals into the country every year, then forcing you to pay for their housing, food, medical care and education--and then lie to your face by claiming "The southern border is totally secure!"
Look at our armed forces, for cryin' out loud. The Pentagon now requires all signed correspondence to use the person's preferred pronouns. They have drag shows on military bases. Anyone who merely clicks on a web link to a page the Democrats don't like is discharged "other than honorably."
Look at the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Both heavily promote transgendersim, and support teachers and school counselors pushing kids to "transition" even without their parents' permission, and even urgeing schools to keep a kid's tranny fantasies secret from the parents!
If not for the corrupt Media endlessly swooning over trannies, we wouldn't be seeing all the "social contagion" that prompts insecure, weak-minded teenagers to do what the "cool kids" are doing, and claiming to be tranny to get the wonderful attention, eh?
Young Americans absorb ALL of this. They know it means that barring a miracle, our society is doomed. And if that's true, why strive for anything other than personal pleasure?
You know this is true. You all know it. You've sensed it for years, but it's been especially obvious since the Democrats claimed biden got 15 million more votes than saint Obozo and installed the biden/harris regime.
Given all these insane, anti-American institutional policies, how can anyone be surprised at the actions of BLM, or Antifa, or the crazy "DIEversity dean" at Stanford, Audrey Hale?
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The REAL victims of the tranny murderer |
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