April 18, 2023

GOP Rep asks biden's Sec of Education to define "woman;" watch him refuse THREE times--and there's a reason!

Sometimes it's easy to see the future, and this is one of those times.

As every American has surely, finally been convinced, the biden/harris regime, leading Democrat politicians, most Dem voters and the entire tranny mafia are absolutely, relentlessly determined to FORCE everyone to accept "as a matter of fairness"! that men pretending to be female MUST be allowed to compete against real girls.

And you have to marvel at the total inversion of truth the Democrats have used to force this on you: claiming allowing men to compete against girls in sports is TOTALLY FAIR!  It's Orwellian.

Back in 1972 congress passed the Education Amendments of 1972 banning schools receiving federal funds from discrimination on the basis of sex.  The major effect was to force universities to award as many athletic scholarships to women as to men.  Americans didn't seem to find that objectionable.

Female college athletes were elated, and rewarded the Dems by giving 'em even more votes

But beginning around 2015, high school males pretending to be female demanded the right to compete against real women in sports.  Most Americans instantly recognized this as unfair, and frankly insane.  But as we learn anew every day, the wishes of "ordinary people" can't budge either congress or the NCAA or any bureaucracy, so high school adminishits fawningly, slobberingly allowed this outrageous and unfair practice.

The unfairness was so obvious that on May 15, 2020, the Department of Education issued a letter stating that the policy of the wokiez running Connecticut high school athletics, which allowed males to compete against real girls violated Title IX, which, again, banned discrimination on the basis of sex.. 

If that surprised you it's because you've forgotten that in May of 2020 Donald Trump was president. See, although biden has only been prez for 27 months, it certainly seems like many years.

But thanks to the miracle of corruption, biden took office in Jan of 2021, and his tranny advisors promptly started plotting to change the DOEd declaration.  The first move plotted by the Dems to force
Americans to accept males competing as females was kicked off on March 1, 2021 

With the Democrats now controlling the White House and both chambers of congress, they were now free to jam the tranny victory down our throats.  Their first salvo was on March 1, 2021: one of the very first bills enrolled by the corrupt Nancy Pelosi in the new Dem-controlled House was called  H.R.5, which the Democrats cunningly called "The Equality Act."  Cuz who could vote against anything called "the Equality Act," eh?

Among this bill's MANY perverted provisions was that it amended a dozen existing federal laws by inserting "sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity)," before "or national origin";

The bill does this roughly 56 times, amending that many different mandatory provisions of other laws by adding "...including sexual orientation and gender identity" to all the laws.  It also sought to enshrine into law Obozo's notorious DECREE that "with respect to gender identity, an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual's gender identity"--officially putting men in girls' locker rooms BY LAW.  

But a funny thing happened: Democrats from toss-up states quietly let Nancy know that if they voted for this POS, their careers would be over.  The lack of Dem support was never reported by the Mainstream Media but was so large that Nancy never even brought the thing up for a floor vote.

But never fear, citizen: The Dems always have a backup plan. In this case an Executive Order.

On March 8, 2021, Porridgebrain issued Executive Order 14021, reversing the letter from Trump's Dept of Education to prevent males from competing against girls, and simply DECREEING that the long-accepted Title IX would now also apply to sexual orientation (gays) and gender identity.

It was breathtaking in its audacity.  So the Dems were confident that if the proposed "Equality Act" didn't pass, the EO would do the job.  So on June 16, 2021, biden's. Department of Education issued--not a RULE but merely a "Notice of Interpretation" decreeing (or as the communists at Wiki put it, "explaining") that the DOEd would henceforth "enforce Title IX's prohibition on discrimination on the basis of sex to include: (1) discrimination based on sexual orientation; and (2) discrimination based on gender identity."

Unless you're a political junkie or an attorney, what I just described didn't get your attention. It should have, because we have a "legislature" for a reason: to debate and then either pass or reject bills.  The biden regime just changed U.S. law--exactly as they've done with failing to enforce immigration law.  Expanding Title IX's clear, unequivocal ban against discrimination on the basis of "sex" to include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" is making law, even though they cunningly did it by combining an executive order with a cunning "Notice of Interpretation."

If you're a Democrat that still doesn't bother you.  If Trump had done the same thing in the other direction, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

That's called "selective outrage."

But WAIT, there's more!

In light of the brilliant end-run by biden's EO combined with the "Notice of Interpretation," House Republicans discovered Plan C:  With Pelosi's H.R.5 dead, and anger building among voters over biden's EO, the new plan is to jam men competing against girls down our throats by using the existing language of Title IX--no discrimination on the basis of "sex"--and relying on the courts to rule that "sex" is whatever someone claims to be.  

You may recall that biden's newest Supreme Court "justice"--black female Katanji Brown-Jackson--cunningly said she could NOT define "woman."  Now watch how neatly biden's secretary of education does exactly the same thing:  refusing three times to answer the question "How does your department define 'woman'?"

Miguel Cardona ran New York City schools for far too long.  He is a master of lying, evasion and corruption, but since he's a lifelong Democrat and brings in Hispanic votes, no one will investigate him.

The fix is in, citizen.  The Democrats will do this, and piously claim it's "to be fair."  The Lying Mainstream Media backs that up by claiming state laws "will bar students from playing sports in school."  That's horseshit, but Democrat voters eat it up.



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