March 10, 2023

Twitter emails show Stanford "Virality Project" urged social media to censor TRUE stories, cuz...reasons

Stanford University ran a propaganda group called the "Virality Project," that pressured social media to delete every comment that reported a TRUE side effect of the barely-tested, ineffective, dangerous "vaccine." Here's one of their emails: 

This is utterly, eternally damning.  The fucking rat-bastards demanded that TRUE information--information desperately needed by Americans to make lifesaving decisions--be DELETED from social media.  Yet the pushers had NO actual medical or health expertise.  They were simply advising duh gruberment on how to lie more convincingly!

Wow, sure glad YOU didn't take the vax without knowing all the information the biden regime knew, eh?  Cuz if you'd taken it, you might be kinda worried now that maybe you'd been played, duped, eh?

Nah, you not worried.  You know dey wud nevah lie to ya, cuz you a good Democrat.  So what if dey din' quite tell ya duh whole troof, right?.  See, deez alleged Twitter emails are all fabrications.

Yeh, dat it.  Yep yep yep.  So no reason at ALL to be angry wif' biden for FORCING you and your wife and kidz to take duh "safe and effective" jab, right?

See, you wuz akshully doin' duh public a HUGE favor: Yew wuz duh "test subjects" for Pfizer.  Dey jus' din' tell ya...cuz dey din' want yew to worry yo' li'l head, eh?

Hey, a grateful Democrat regime thanks you for your service!  And most of y'all will be jus' fine.  An' if yew do get duh Chyna virus, it won't be nearly as bad as if you hadn't gotten duh jab.  Really.  See, duh survival rate for duh un-jabbed is only 99.97%, but if yew took duh jab, it SKYROCKETS to 99.98%.

So...good fer yew, test subject citizen!


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