"Duh economy bee BOOMING! Pay no attention to dis silly 'deficit' number. It mean nuffin' "
Hey citizen, didja hear the GREAT newz?
Duh economy is BOOMING! Yep, absolutely booming! Absolutely. Really!
Well at least that's what the biden regime keeps saying. Brilliant Democrat policies have forced inflation off the front page. It's been hammered back to two percent! Wait, maybe not two percent. Maybe more like six percent, even with their fake numbers. But everyone believes it's no longer a factor, cuz biden himself keeps saying so!
And good ol' Joe wouldn't lie to ya, would he?
As an example of HOW utterly the economy is booming, consider the piece below:
The U.S. government posted a $262 billion budget deficit in February, up 21% from a year earlier, as outlays grew and revenues fell, due largely to higher tax refunds issued as the Internal Revenue Service worked through a substantial backlog of unprocessed returns.
The Treasury Department said on Friday the deficit last month compared to a $217 billion budget gap in February 2022.
Huge systems of any sort have lots of what you might call inertia. So they usually only change by small percentages from one year to the next. When the system-wide numbers in a huge system--like duh gruberment--change by, oh, 21% or so from a year earlier, that can either be very good or very bad.
Okay, quiz time for college-age readers: Is this 21% increase good or bad?
Liberals: "It happened under the brilliant leadership of Uncle Joe and Chuck Schumer, (who runs the senate), so it must be good!"
Ah, got it. So...BOOMING, right?
Say, you're not by any chance a "Womens' Studies" major, are ya?
Nevermind. See, "deficits are good!" Just like Joe and the Media told you "Inflation is good." Yes, they really said that. So now we'll ask our brilliant Vice President, Cackles, to explain why inflation is good.
Okay Cackles, you're on. Someone turn her mike on. Okay Cackles, tell us why...
"Inflation means to make something bigger, like a balloon. Not like that balloon the Chinese sent over, but like a good balloon, And as I always told Willy, bigger is better! So inflation is good!"
Thank you, Cackles. As always, you know how to connect with Democrat voters. It's amazing how much you think like they do.
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