Fed Reserve Bank says official "jobs report" for Q2 was off--by a factor of...wait, that can't possibly be right
It should be obvious to everyone (at least unless you're a liberal) that people can't make good decisions if they're fed cunning lies.
That's why I keep showing y'all examples of the corrupt government brazenly lying to us--because you need to know that the things they're telling you are brazen lies. Not even close. If you know that, you have the option of looking for the truth--which will enable you to make better decisions.
So here's one of the most brazen examples of government lying I've seen since the last time Fauci told you the "vaccines" were "safe and effective:"
At 8:30 Eastern time on the first Friday of every month, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases what they call the "Employment Situation" (usually known as "the jobs report") for the previous month. It's considered a huge deal: If lots of jobs were added it's a sign of a strong economy, and the stock market booms. (That's so well known that insiders who know the jobs report will show a strong economy--before that report has been released--buy stock. Happens every time, typically the night before the report is released to us peasants. If you don't believe that, check it out.)
Now, the vaunted "Bureau of Labor Statistics" is has a record of making mistakes with the jobs numbers. Specifically, when Obama was emperor the BLS consistently published jobs figures that were typically 20% higher than reality. The Mainstream Media would slobberingly tout this as an example of his (and the Dems') brilliant economic policies. Then the next month the BLS routinely "revised" the figures for two months earlier.
And you'll be amazed to learn that that revision was ALWAYS downward, usually by ten or 20 percent. Always downward.
What a coincidence, eh?
And of course the downward revision never got any headlines. Never. Cuz..."old newz," eh?
Same thing worked in reverse when Trump was president: The BLS would release a jobs report that the Mainstream Media would call "weak" or "anemic." That would lead the nightly "newz." Then a month later that figure would be revised. And you'll be amazed that the revised figure was ALWAYS higher, usually by at least ten percent. But of course the upward revision--showing the economy was actually doing very well--never got any headlines. Never. Cuz..."old newz"?
(Think the Mainstream Media would have covered it if the revision was downward?)
But there is absolutely nothing underhanded going on, citizen! These are totally honest, professional government employees. Hey, everyone makes mistakes, right? It's merely coincidence that all the errors favored Obama and made Trump look worse. Just coincidence.
Okay, we've come to expect that the jobs report will be overly rosy when a Democrat is president. Which brings us to the current example of BRAZEN lying by the BLS.
For years the concensus has been that the economy needs to add somewhere around 250,000 jobs per month to keep up with more people entering the job market. So when the BLS reported that for the second quarter of this year the economy added 1,121,500 new jobs, the media swooned! "The economy is booming!" they shouted. "Democrat policies produce best economy in years!"
So imagine my surprise when, just six DAYS ago, researchers at a branch of the Federal Reserve issued an official press release stating that the figure of 1,121,500 jobs the BLS had claimed were created in Q2 of 2022 was...a little off.
Okay, define "a little."
Well the Fed said the actual number of jobs created in Q2 was...wait, this can't possibly be right:
10,500. That's ten-thousand five-hundred.
"Wait, that can't possibly be right. Cuz for that to be true, the official figure announced by the totally honest, competent bureaucrats at the BLS would have been too high by a factor of...100."
Of course you don't believe that, so here's the screenshot.
And of course if you're a Democrat (I'm looking at you, Lar) you don't believe THAT either, cuz anyone can create anything with Photoshop, right? So here's a link to the Federal Reserve webpage.
Now: Does anyone with an IQ over room temperature seriously believe the people compiling the "jobs report" at the BLS could have been off by a factor of one-hundred due to an honest mistake?
And note the release date of December 13th--safely after the crucial midterm elections: Wonder how many voters might have changed their mind if they'd known about this before the election? Oooh, can't have that!
Of course True Believers in the honesty of the biden regime and all its employees have to believe this HUGE over-estimate--again, 100 times higher than the actual number of jobs added --had to have been just an honest mistake--because it's far easier for them to believe that than to admit the truth: that every branch of the regime routinely tells you BRAZEN lies whenever it suits their purposes.
Like "The economy is NOT in a recession! In fact the economy is BOOMING!" And "If you take the vaccine you CANNOT get covid, nor transmit it to others." And "Masks stop the spread of the virus."
And "Duh virus could not possibly have been modified by Chinese researchers at a lab in Wuhan to make it lethal to humans! It's simply not possible! You must follow the Science, peasants!"
And "Duh virus came from a bat at the "wet market" in Wuhan. Or maybe it was actually from a 'pangolin.' We have no idea, but since 'pangolin' sounds very exotic, you'll believe that even if you don't have any idea what a pangolin is. See, all we need to do is come up with a *plausible* Narrative, and our friends in the Mainstream Media will sell it for us."
And "The Earth is warming, fatally, due to carbon dioxide produced by you Americans driving gasoline-powered cars. You must stop that, and buy non-polluting electric cars. And you must stop eating meat, cuz...reasons. And you must support our forthcoming rule to make it illegal to use fertilizer, cuz the Europeans have found that fertilizer produces yet another 'greenhouse gas.' You don't need to know what it is, cuz it doesn't matter. We could say it was CaCO3 and not one of you in a million would know that was horseshit."
And "Our administration has NEVAH directed any social-media company to censor conservatives. But even if we had (and we didn't), that would be perfectly fine because conservatives spew "disinformation." And the First Amendment doesn't consider "disinformation" to be protected speech." We could tell you the Constitution says that, and not one American in a million would check."
And "Our administration NEVAH ordered American workers to take the vaccine or be fired. If any company fired workers for not taking the vax, that was entirely the company's decision. Didn't come from us at ALL. Okay, some low-level lackey at the Department of Labor may have put out a 'rule' but we nevah approved it! Nope nope nope. If you took the jab to keep food on your table that was entirely your decision. And it was the right one!"
So when we tell you that Freedom is slavery, and Ignorance is strength, and that we should be more like China, you need to believe us. Cuz we've never lied to you before, eh?
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