Oops, biden's press secretary caught reading answers from a script, proving that questions are pre-submitted
Last Thursday biden's press secretary was asked a question about the governor of New Hampshire not attending a DC ball to protest some biden action.
A nothing-question. Safe, uncontroversial filler, designed to make reporters believe the biden regime is actually answering real, spontaneous questions at these things instead of staging information-free theater for the masses.
Oh wait...she was. And after a couple of paragraphs, as it became clear to everyone that the answer she was reading wasn't related to the question asked, Karine Jean-Pierre then says "Ooops, I think I got ahead of myself there," and quickly turns to the page with the right answer to the question just asked.
Wait...doesn't that prove the questions were submitted in advance--probably several hours in advance--to give the White House staff time to carefully craft and type out the perfect response?
Well yeah, obviously. And now we read that "Everyone has known this for months." Really? Did you ever hear any Media whore shill admit that? I sure didn't. But then again I stopped watching or reading the Lying Mainstream Media a decade ago, so maybe they DID admit it.
Now: Imagine the howls of outrage from the Lying Mainstream Media if the Trump White House had required so-called "journalists" to submit questions in advance, eh?
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