Actor spouts lines fed to him by others; gullible Americans die by the thousands
As I understand it, George Clooney is a heart-throb to most women. Unfortunately he's also dumb and gullible, because he parroted the Party Line on covid despite not knowing a single true thing about the actual virus, or where it originated, or what would treat it, or whether the "jab" prevented *either* transmitting it or dying from it.
He merely parroted what Fauci and Birx said--cuz they were the so-called "experts," eh?
It never even crossed his mind that Fauci and Birx might have been lying all along...cuz dey wuz duh experts, eh?
And when tens of thousands of gullible MDs parroted the same party line--the same bleats, not even remotely grounded in "Science," despite Fauci's bleats that "I AM Science"--Clooney (and millions of morons just like him) believed that made the Party Line even more likely to be true...cuz when ten-thousand doctors agree, they simply MUST be right, eh?
It's called "conventional wisdom," and it can't be wrong, cuz...reasons.
He knew NOTHING about it, but merely parroted what the conspirators bleated. And because people knew who he was, they believed he knew what he was saying from actual knowledge, rather than just being a parrot.
But at last--finally--the evidence is starting to be SO overwhelming that even the so-called "experts" are starting to admit that all their bullshit was wrong.: the virus is almost never a problem for people under 60 who don't have "co-morbidities." The jab does NOT prevent infection, or transmitting the virus to others. And the jab also kills people--more than 40,000 Americans so far.
But Clooney will never admit he was wrong, let alone apologize. The "experts" can claim they were "listening to the Science" and that the early information was wrong--someone else's fault. So they can switch sides. But Clooney can't, because he never understood the science (not "Science") but simply parroted lines fed to him by "duh experts."
So if he reverses, he looks gullible. Ooooohh, can't have that, eh? Cuz he smaht.
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