Bet you didn't hear a word about this in the Mainstream Media--for a good reason!
Looks like the governor of Texas has thrown down on biden and his regime of anti-American traitors. Congratulations, but I sure wish he'd done this six weeks before the election, cuz that would have given the regime time to scream about how AWFUL it was to actually enforce valid U.S. immigration law--which would have spurred undecided voters to vote Republican.
And of course this may be just show. Based on biden's record of weaponizing the FBI against political opponents, I suspect biden and his handlers will send FBI thugs to the border with orders to shoot members of the Texas National Guard if they try to arrest da po' oppressed "refugees."
If that happens, video of it will be priceless. Wonder if the FBI will try to confiscate all cell phones from observers and guardsmen?
Actually there's no reason to be optimistic, because the regime will find a federal judge who will RULE that DESPITE the provisions in the Constitution and the Texas agreement by which it joined the U.S., some hidden clause will let said judge ORDER Abbott not to proceed. The state will appeal to the Supreme Court (which is the court of original jurisdiction when a state sues the federal government) and the SC will agree with the biden regime.
But it's a GREAT effort and signal.
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