FBI/DOJ: "We beez all 'bout takin' dem super-classified documents!" Really? That's sure new! Why now?
Hey Americans, how about that raid on Trump's residence in Florida, eh? Your faaaabulous, honest, unbiased FBI is keeping you safe, right?
Of course that's horseshit. If you're under 40 or so, you have no idea about how corrupt the Democrat party is, and how thoroughly Democrats are protected by the equally corrupt FBI. Specifically, if you're under age 30 you were too young to have any idea of anything that happened in government before about 2010. So let me show you.
The Narrative about the reason for the raid on Trump is that duh FBLie HAD to do it, because duh National Archives and duh FBLie *supposedly* take classified information VERY seriously. Let's see if that's really true.
In 1997 Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton was preznit. Slick appointed a corrupt blivet named Sandy Berger as his National Security Advisor.
Four years later some of you may recall there was some kind of dust-up about hijacked commercial jetliners and New York City that killed about 3000 people and did $20 billion worth of damage. Not surprisingly, congress wanted to see how the FBLie and CIA didn't detect any warning signs about this.
Turns out both agencies did--obvious warning signs, such as dozens of Saudi Arabian nationals enrolled in U.S. flight-schools, but oddly only wanting to learn to pilot jetliners in flight, without any concern for takeoffs or landings.
But due to a Clinton order, originated by an utterly corrupt, smug Democrat named Jamie Gorelick (google the bitch), the two agencies weren't allowed to share ANY information. Either agency should have figured something was gravely wrong, but had the two been able to share info it would have been screamingly obvious.
So congress named a commission to investigate why the agencies seemed to miss the warning signs.
Because Democrats had equal say in naming the people who would serve on the commission, Clinton's national security advisor Berger was appointed to it.
This was the height of stupidity--an invitation to a coverup, because if the Clinton regime had dropped the ball, Berger would be ideally placed to get the commission to avoid that finding. A rational congress would never have appointed the fox to guard the henhouse. But of course congress has always been both corrupt and stupid.
Berger would be a key witness, but should never have been appointed to the commission that would be looking for his and his boss's fatal mistakes.
As Clinton's national security advisor, Berger had a Top-Secret clearance. And following the stupidity of congress, former regime members don't lose their clearance when they're no longer in government. Thus Berger had special access to classified material in the National Archives about what Clinton had done in the couple of years leading up to 9/11/2001.
And if you have an IQ over room temperature you already know what happened.
In 2004, several months before his testimony, Berger slipped into the National Archives and asked to see certain large files. Because he'd been a bigshot during Slick's regime, the staff gave him stacks of file folders and then left him alone in a windowless room for hours.
Shithead Berger proceeded to stuff classified documents from the files in his pants and socks, and walked out. He later destroyed the documents.
Eventually the Archives realized many of the documents that had been in the files were missing, and found surveillance video of Berger stuffing the docs into his pants and socks.
Now, if the DOJ and FBLie were really big on the security of classified material, Berger stealing and allegedly destroying those should have been a huge crime, warranting prison time. But as you probably already guessed, he was never tried for the crime. You might wonder why.
Did you guess that the documents weren't highly classified--something like "For Official Use Only," or perhaps "Confidential" (low-level stuff)?
We'll never know...because the Deep-State DOJ (yes, even when Bush was president) offered Berger a staggeringly generous deal: No jail time and a $50,000 fine...and the kicker: as part of the astonishingly lenient "deal," he would not be required to detail the nature of the documents he'd stolen!
The FBI never raided Berger's home, nor even require him to tell why he stole the classified documents. But logically, they must have been very damning to the Clinton regime
Not everyone was serene about this deal, and in 2007 the D.C. Bar began to look into what Berger had stolen and why.
Rather than answering questions, Berger surrendered his law license--again suggesting that the documents would have been damning to Clinton. It's also worth noting that Hilliary Clinton was already running to be the Democrat candidate for president--which would explain why the DOJ refused to pursue the case, and the media were similarly uninterested, and Congress opted for “more promising political fodder than one that might point back to the Clintons.”
(When Berger died in 2015 the Washington Post's obituary covered up Berger's theft of classifie by saying Berger "made repeated trips to the National Archives to refresh his memory about the Clinton national security team’s work to foil a bin Laden plot.” Really? "...to foil a bin Laden plot"?)
Example #2: When Hilliary Clinton was Secretary of State under Obama, she spent most weekends at her lavish estate in Chappaqua, New York. To stay up with breaking events she had her aides at State email her about any developments. But turns out Hilliary never had an official government email account. Instead she had her own "domain," contained on an unsecured server in a closet in her home.
If she'd only gotten unclassified emails that would have been fine, but Hilliary knew rules were for "little people," not her. So Hilliary instructed her aides at State that when highly-classified cables from our overseas embassies arrived at State's secure communications facility, they were to print out the cables, cut off the "headers" showing the classification, and then fax the body of the text to Hilliary at her home.
Totally unsecure, and a blatant violation of laws and rules for safeguarding highly-classified information.
The aides also emailed Hilliary summaries of classified cables to her private, unsecured email server.
When these violations were discovered, congress subpoenaed her email server, and ordered her home raided to seize her server.
Hahahaha! Just kidding. Her home was never raided, the server was never seized, cuz...reasons.
This allowed Hilliary time to have her staff smash her government phones with a sledgehammer, and hire a computer company to delete all data from her server's hard drive "beyond hope of forensic recovery."
Naturally when congress discovered these blatantly illegal acts, she was charged with violating the laws on safeguarding classified information and with "obstruction of congress" and subornation of perjury, and...
Hahahahahaha! Just kidding again! No less than the head of the FBLie, Clinton croney James Comey, testified to congress that no prosecutor he knew would ever charge Hilliary for those things.
Anyone else, sure. But not Hilliary.
So what classified documents were on Hilliary's server, eh? We'll never know, cuz she had the drive wiped. When asked about that in sworn testimony before congress she even smirked "Wiped? Like with a cloth?"
Isn't that just too clever?
But when the target is Trump instead of Berger or Hilliary, the FBI raids his home with 30 agents. They refuse to allow his attorneys to watch what they do. Despite knowing where the materials they want are located, they stay in the home for nine hours before carting off 14 boxes.
Obviously if they knew what they were looking for, with 30 agents they could have grabbed 14 boxes in less than an hour--yet they stayed for nine hours.
What do you suppose they were doing during all that time?
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