August 11, 2022

Right-wing extremists claim this electric bus caught fire in Paris in April. Democrats: "Disinformation"

Democrat pols: "Electric vehicles are faaabulous!  They don't pollute duh air wif'' duh deadly carbon dioxide!  An' thanks to duh new law passed by your wonderful Democrat party, taxpayers will GIVE YOU $7,500 to buy one!"

"Faaabulous," ya say?  Hmmm....  Here's an example of how "fabulous" they are, from this past April: In Paris one battery an electric bus caught fire, and in 30 seconds the entire bus was in flames.


Yep, "safe...and effective!"  But note that all that smoke and fire produced NO carbon dioxide!  Nope nope nope!  See, you may think those huge black clouds of smoke contain carbon, but that's just because you don't understand Science, citizen!  Actually this fire caused NO global warming whatsoever!  

In fact we haven't been able to confirm that this fire even happened, cuz you know how those cunning right-wing extremist militia people can create fake know, like the ones of Dear Leader appearing to stumble three times going up the stairs of Air Force One, or mumbling incoherently while giving important speeches.  None of that happened.  All fake video, citizen!

See, if an electric bus in a big capital city like Paris had really caught fire like this, you would have seen it on the nightly newz, right?  And you didn't, so what does that tell ya? 

But you know, electric vehicles are SO good for the environment that all good Americans should buy one!  Especially now that our $400 BILLION "Inflation Reduction Act" will give you $7,500 to buy one!

And when you do, you'll also get 250 "good points" added to your social-credit score when we unveil it after the November elections.  Yay, Democrats!

Okay, seriously for a moment: I'll bet you the drink of your choice that you never heard a word about this before now.  That's because all the editors for the networks decided other stories were more interesting, or had more dramatic video footage.  Yeh, dat's it. 

Oh, and here's a senior Democrat senator from Massachusetts explaining how much you'll save if you buy an EV:

Doesn't he sound sensible, like he knows what the hell he's talking about?


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