August 12, 2022

Excited Harvard Law grad on Trump: "...what crimes they believe were broken."

Sarah Isgur Flores is a "commentator."  Harvard Law grad.  And even though she was a spokeswhore for the notoriously corrupt Department of "Justice" during the Trump administration, she hated Trump and his policies.  So when her beloved Deep-State DOJ-FBLie raided Trump's home, Sarah was so excited that she tweeted this: 

"What crimes they believe were broken"??  Gotta watch out for dem broken crimes, eh?

Harvard Law, huh?  Ya think Sarah may have been one of dere affirmative-action admissions?

Democrats: "You're such a hater, SF!  Sarah was just really REALLY excited at the coup we just accomplished that will result in Trump being convicted of a felony, which will make him ineligible to run for president or any other office.  We are SO clever!  Outmaneuvered you stupid conservatives yet again!  And so what if the evidence was planted?  As Dan Rather famously said about the obviously fake document about GW Bush, 'Fake but accurate.'  If we hadn't planted evidence we could have gotten Trump on something else.  So stop being sexist grammar police on one of our young agents who was simply excited over the BRILLIANT coup we just pulled off!"


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