July 03, 2022

Video: during 2020 campaign Porridgebrain said drunk driving by illegal aliens would NOT be a felony

During his campaign before the 2020 election, the POS biden said the following, as shown in the video below: 

"I will order ICE not to deport any illegal alien who has not been convicted of a felony.  And I don't regard drunk driving as a felony."

In other words, illegal alien invaders convicted of drunk driving couldn't be deported.  Astonishing.  But very much to the delight of his amoral voters.  Cuz if you're killed by an illegal who was driving drunk it was probably your fault anyway, eh?

Shit-for-brains made this outageous statement during an interview with the Leftist cesspool rag VICE--a "town hall" on minority issues.  But unless you were a VICE fan you never saw it--because the Lying Mainstream Media didn't want you to, since they knew it would cost biden votes.

Amazing that anyone would vote for such a POS if they'd known this, eh?  Yet the Dems and Media claim he got more votes than emperor Obozo!

This is how the Mainstream Media controls what you see--or don't see.  They've done this for decades, but before the internet and thousands of cell-phone cameras (and streamed professional video) you never saw the damning evidence they were hiding from you.  They operated with smug impunity.

The Mainstream Media is the enemy of everything good in the United States.  They hate "normal" Americans, and support policies that will either enslave or kill you, and they should all be executed--after a fair trial, of course.


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