July 03, 2022

biden regime is busting down doors, searching homes and seizing property of its critics--without warrants

When you see videos of the FBI or local police knocking on a door, what does the audio always record them saying?  "Police!  Search warrant!"  If the resident doesn't open the door, they often break it down--but only if they have a search warrant.  (Yes, I know, there are exceptions for "imminent threat" but in the cases you're about to see this was never claimed, and didn't exist.)

But something has changed: The biden regime has trashed the old rules and is increasingly arresting people who criticize them.  They've been breaking down doors and seizing the property of critics--without showing a warrant or "probable cause."  They bash in doors and wreck peoples' homes in searches without a warrant or announcing probable cause. 

You know almost nothing about any of this because most of these outrages are ignored by the Mainstream Media.  Fortunately Tucker Carlson has compiled a list--and it's a long one.  Take a look at the video at this link.

This has to be stopped if we are to remain free.


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