July 25, 2022

Three middle-aged doctors at same hospital die in the same week, days after taking "2nd booster"; "Coincidence!"

In the town of Mississauga, Canada, the local hospital recently began giving all doctors and nurses a "second booster" (i.e. a 4th shot of duh "vaccine").

Less than a week later, three middle-age doctors who'd gotten that faaabulous "booster" mysteriously died. Dead were Stephen McKenzie, Lorne Seagall and Jakub Sawicki, who died July 17, 18 and 20.

Democrats and sheep: "Dis not true!  Dis bees 'misinformation'!  Fake newz!  You LIE!"

No, you dumb sons of bitches, it ain't fake.  Click on the link above and view three emails from their employer, Trillium Health Partners, announcing the deaths.

The "experts" expect you to believe there was no link whatsoever between these deaths.  They had no connection with having gotten the 4th shot of the vax, citizen!  Just coincidence--like the hundreds of extremely fit pro and college athletes dropping dead within two weeks of taking the vax.  "That's always happened, silly citzen!"  

And now the CDC is running ads implying that blood clots in healthy athletes are totally normal, so if you THINK you've heard about this happening, a) you're wrong; or b) "this has always happened, citizen, so there's no need to worry.  And if you insist on claiming it's being caused by duh "vaccine," we'll have your social-media account cancelled!

Now, I can't blame you sheep for believing everything the Lying Media and gruberment told you about duh Chyna virus and "two weeks to flatten the curve," and "If you're vaccinated you CANNOT get the virus!" because virology and epidemics aren't something you know about in any detail.  But with that said, for the past year there have been hundreds of peer-reviewed studies, and autopsies finding huge clots, and genetic sequences that show the virus was deliberately altered, so that if you STILL believe the Media and the biden regime, and insist on taking the 4th booster--or the 5th or 6th, or the NEW vax for the BA.5 variant--at some point it's hard to be very sympathetic..  

The information was there.  You just ignored it, preferring to believe the government and the Media.  After all, why would those two groups lie to you, right?

Oh, you think that's harsh, snowflakes?  You ain't seen harsh.  But you're about to.. 



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