July 04, 2022

biden: "We need to use more ethanol cuz that will reduce gas prices." Yay!!! Wait...what?

Unless you're from farm country or you know the energy business, the cartoon below may not mean much: 


If you're a college-age American you NEED to know about this, so let me explain: As everyone who's ever put gas in a car knows, gasoline pumps have a big sticker saying "May contain 10% ethanol."

Ethanol is alcohol, and can be used to power cars.  It' doesn't have as much energy per gallon as pure gasoline, but Democrats know you don't know that, and wouldn't care if you did know.  All Dems care about is that ethanol--alcohol--can be made from virtually any starch or sugar.  So it's a "renewable energy source."  Yay!  Cuz we need to get rid of dat nasty ol "oil"!  Yucky, icky stuff, right?  

Now the funny part is, it costs a lot more to make a gallon of ethanol than a gallon of gasoline.  So to keep the price of gasoline "low" (i.e. to not let it go over five bucks per gallon), your gruberment PAYS companies that produce ethanol, allowing 'em to sell their product to refineries at a lower price!

And you're like, "Wait, why would refineries want to buy lower-energy ethanol?"

Let's go back to that word "may" on that label on gas pumps:  You'll be shocked to learn that "may" is misleading, because for years now all companies that produce gasoline have been FORCED BY U.S. LAW to add ten percent ethanol to their gasoline.  (Yeah, I know, there are lots of picky details.  They're irrelevant to the story.)

This law got passed because Dems congresswhores hated oil, and Republican congresswhores were happy to pass a law that would give farmers a huge income boost--cuz in the U.S. the preferred feedstock for making ethanol was...corn.

So today, over half the corn grown in the U.S. is NOT used to feed humans, but instead is used to make ethanol and feed cattle.

If you're a Democrat you're like "Where's the problem?  It's renewable energy!  GREEN!"

Well yes, but...it's caused the price of corn to go way up, due to the artificial (forced by law) demand for corn.  And as anyone who knows fuck-all about economics knows, when demand for something goes up, what happens to the price?  Democrats?  Anyone?

So your cornflake cereal costs more than it would have.  Corn meal that could have been sold or given to poor countries is no longer available.  (Democrats: "So??")  And your car's miles per gallon have dropped, since ethanol has lower energy per gallon.

But hey, what's not to love, eh?  Cuz it's GREEN energy!  And that means that like electric vehicles, it doesn't cause Global Warming!  Yay!

[checks watch.  checks watch.  checks watch a third time.]

If any of you believed that last statement, congratulations:  You're a shining product of our so-called "education system" and the Mainstream Media's propaganda--because both ethanol and EVs still cause CO2 emissions.

Fortunately CO2 does NOT cause a measurable amount global warming.  But we'll leave that for another post.

Meanwhile enjoy your $4 per box cornflakes.


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